My Call to Jesus / Prayer Requests from members

Link to Submit Prayer Requests:

Prayer intentions submitted to My Call to Jesus will be prayed over by Crusade Prayer groups all over the world. They will also be prayed over by a Remnant priest who will also offer Mass for all prayer intentions submitted.

"My dearest beloved daughter, your gift to Me is accepted and as a result will save a further 5 million souls. *It is My dearest wish to bring an end to your suffering, but, this precious gift you bring Me will now mean I can save more of God’s children. Never forget that this Mission is to save mankind from Hell. I need your help and the help of others to do this. Never feel alone, for I love you and am with you the entire time. So many more of God’s children are beginning to hear My Voice at last. The Work of the Holy Spirit will bear fruit and very soon the Love of God will be felt in the hearts of even the most barren. Those lost, empty and barren souls will feel a Flame of Love and witness a familiar yearning to be part of My New Kingdom on Earth. Many will not understand why, but they will be unable to deny their feelings of warmth, love and peace. So many will be surprised and will want to speak with Me. You must now unite people everywhere to request the Gift of My Love. They must ask for special favours to be granted. You, My daughter, must designate one day a week to this. Each lost soul must ask Me to help them. If their request is according to My Holy Will, then I will answer their prayers. This will instil in them a stronger link to My Sacred Heart and My Great Mercy. Go now and call this request “My Call to Jesus.” My daughter, do this as soon as you can as I wish to ensure that those souls, especially those who do not accept that I speak now, they will finally realise how close I Am to each single soul. Tell them that I love everyone and don’t exclude one single sinner no matter how grievous their sin. All I ask is for them to come to Me and ask Me to help them. Your Jesus" (Monday May 14, 2012 at 06:00 pm)



June 20
(From Judy) Pray Valentine's family to settle in Bangalore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, Neha to be placed in Bank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita, Neha to be blessed with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who have no parents, bless Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore with Vellu, Judy, Bless Vellu, Judy with good health good jobs in Bangalore, bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession.
August 1
(From Joan) I have a prayer request please. I am in need of God’s Healing Grace, I have been praying for Divine Healing and I am patiently waiting to receive IT according to God’s Holy will.  Many thanks for your prayers.  I will do my best to be a very active part of This great Prayer Army, so help me God.
June 30
Please put me on the prayer request list - I went to the clinic for an infection and they gave me a medicine that hurt my heart - please pray for me!  Grace and Peace to you and all!!  Joseph
February 22  
We would like to ask people all over the world to pray for Sister Frances, a nun, who was arrested in China by the police a number of days ago in connection with the Book of Truth. She has, in short, ‘disappeared’ and no one knows where she is.
Can everyone pray hard for her release and her soul.
Mother of Salvation please bless and protect your children in China
January 28 - I think you all have heard about the novel coronavirus in Wuhai, China. The reality is far worse than we could possibly know.  Becasue of the chinese new year, according to the latest figures, there are 5 million people moved from Wuhai to every direction of China. This led to a extremely serious consequence which was the spreading of virus throughout China. Its more worse than SARS in 2003. Now many many cities, villages and districts had been sealed off in the country, not only in Hubei province. No one can get in or out. Churches closed around China. No more mass and sacraments. Bus is outage. Cinema, hotel and restaurants are mostly closed. 
It was said that the coronavirus has variated. So its infectivity is multiplying. We are just staying at home to avoid the virus. And of couse pray hard. Fasting and making sacrifices for our sins and the sins of our people. 
Dear friends, PLEASE ask all your crusade prayer groups to pray for China too. To beg our Lord to cease His anger in our country. To stop the spread of plague. To heal those who has been infected. For the conversion in our Land.
God bless.
In prayers.
A small prayer group of Jesus to Mankind - China
January 27 - Good Morning, I am a poor man that just request a prayer, I have faith, and I know that your prayer can help me in my effort.  I request your blessfull reliquary prayer for: Kelem Fabrice in his job research, Please bless him, bless his children, his life, ask God to protect him from bad luck and illness.  May God also bless you for the prayer you will make for him.  Bless the marriage of Assia Sidibe and Kelem Fabrice.Give them fidelity each other, and blessed children.Thanks. May God Bless you.



September 10 - Prayer request from anonymous:  please pray for Damianus aditya  and myself. I have been waiting for reconciliation and to forgive each other, peaces for me and him, I have been struggling with pain. You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, in suffering and disappointments. I come with a broken heart, his heart so hard, he doesn't respond to anything. Father, please soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart and the people around him for me. I can't touch his heart, i know that prayer is a powerful thing. Without Your graces, we cannot accomplish anything. only God can change people's hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. and if You don't  want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful, although this is the most difficult. teach me to love you more than anything. I really need a miracle, thank you


August 13 : Sophie asks from us that we please pray for Seaf a young man from Cairo, Egypt will undergo surgery to stop lung bleeding tomorrow morning. 





  • Our Lady, Dear Mother, Queen of Saint Rosary I'm asking you for Ruslan's desire to turned back to me-Oksana and the pure love between us.



  • Please, please could you add to your prayers one more? In my country it's being decided if Fertilization In Vitro is going to be approved or not. The Organization of Human Rights is pushing the approval even against the will of the majority of my country's population and against our own Constitution. There has been many instances and all have been won by our people. But our president is also pushing against the people. Last step is going to the Congress. Please pray to the Divine Mercy that it won't be approved! Thank you A.L.
  • John had a heart attack in California and has been in the hospital for the last several days. John is a True Warrior and Soldier for Christ and is very much a part of Jesus' end time Mission.Please offer John up in a Rosary,Divine Mercy Chaplet and in your prayers.  With Love, G.& L.
  • We pray for the intentions of Edith:

I want a good paying job
I want customers to come and boost my small business and enable me cater for rent, feeding, electricity and water.
I want well wishers to offer me  capital money to buy stationery for my business

Ambrose Awici has to pay all my debts and that he come back to Uganda and settle down with his family.
To acquire a house and prepare for the end times.

Lastly l pray for the souls in purgatory to have eternal life.

Thank you and God bless you all. E.K.



  • I pray for divine intercession for forgiveness, to dismiss this divorce and  quickly reconcile/restore our holy sacred marriage (D&R). I pray that God will open the doors to communication, and forgiveness and knock down the walls to silence, pride, hurt, and anger. This past November, my husband of 6 years came back from his military deployment, completely moved out of the house, and has filed for divorce without any closure or explanation. I was also served the divorce papers this past December at work.

I humbly ask all the Angels, Saints, Martyrs, Blessed Mother Mary,  Apostles, and Jesus to bind and remove the work of satan, evil spirits, and all negative external influences in our lives and away from our marriage.

Dear Heavenly Father, please deliver our minds, bodies, hearts, souls, and spirits from all hurt/pain, anger/bitterness, hate/malice, pride, selfishness, lying, lust, rebellion/revenge, fear/anxiety, unbelief/doubt, separation, and confusion, and in turn create a spirit of patience, compassion, faith, self-control, confidence, wisdom, clarity, humbleness, forgiveness, joy, grace, hope, integrity, communication, and unending love. O God, please tear down the walls around our hearts and help my husband find/turn to You and the Holy Catholic Church. I humbly pray that the Holy Spirit will dwell and move in my husbands heart, body, soul, spirit, and mind in order for him to be open to see and hear God's message about divorce and marriage reconciliation. Lord please help us to stand firm and put on the Full Armor of God.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen

I miss my husband so much. Please pray my husband will quickly come home so we can start our restored marriage based on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.
Thank you and God Bless, R. H.


  • We must pray for this Canadian Archbishop Roger LaRade. R.M.





  • Prayers and Massees Intentions for, please:

1. Africa.

2. Oriente Médio.

3. Erika Sagata and her family.

4. Yoshio Sagata doctor work and hospital.

5. all victims of all wars that happens in the present and happened in the past;

6. weak the action of the demons;

7. disturbing souls;

8. dysfunctional families;

9. schizophrenic people;

10. Brazilian public schools;

11. Brazilian slums;

12. Brazilian powerful people and politics;

13. unemployed people;

14. Jairo and Carlos capes;

15. Capes uberlandia;

16. Sanae Sagata documents, legs, brain and teacher work.

17. Tsuyoshi Sagata;

18. descendants and ancestors of Hashiguchi, Sagata e Kanno;

19. Yoko Hashiguchi

Thank you. S* Family


  • God I am asking will you give me a new start, new beginning and open doors of opportunities in my career.   Without your help Lord I am nothing and can't make it.  Please help me Lord.
I am petitioning the Lord to bring five real friends into my life that will support me and I support them
I stand in need of prayer please keep my name on your prayer altar.
Thank you so much.  J. A.






  • Please pray for Mother Angelica's health, she is from the Angels Monastery. Thank you. G.


  • Dear Friends, Can you join me in praying for the soul of Elaine's Mom who has passed away and also pray for Elaine L* H* who is grieving and needs our support. God Bless you and thank you so much.


  • Please pray for son whom I think is possessed.
He doesn't want to see anymore in the house the image of  Jesus,Pray hard for him. He is not the son I know prayer the rosary every morning,blessing himself with the Holy water, going to confession  every week.His name is  Pierre-Emmanuel. V.

I ask for prayers for Edith K. :

  • I wish a holy matrimony and start a family.

    She ask to pray for her to get a sponsor for further studies in degree in information systems and a masters.

  • It is now 6 months since l have had this problem - terrible pain on my left hip joint, pain in my left arm thigh and running towards the lower leg which is the ankle.
  • My mum, Ancilla M* has a problem of diabetes, pressure, back pain, little strength (she normally falls down and becomes helpless) and a cancerous swelling on her forehead and she forgets very first and does not hear well.
  • My Dad, Timothy M* has a problem of pressure, ghout (swelling of the Legs - arthritis disease)and coughing too much.Thank you all and God bless you so much. E.K.
  • I am having a lot of persecution in an amazing way daily and in everything I can`t stay in any place, I am always moving. I am asking for your prayers. I didn't pray the rosary yesterday and today a band wanted to kidnaped me. Every place I go is horrible, anybody is instrument to torment me. Add me in your prayers please. God bless us . Rose


Please pray for:

  • Poland, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ,
  • Church in the USA - Matt. 3.12
  • Stirring up the service to the God for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15
  • God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,working for Edmund, Dorothy, Peter (also God's direction for his life and understanding for him what to study or work) and Ann( Ann needs husband),
  • God's order in my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank you. E.K.


  • Please pray for me my kidnys is not working i am sunny i am 30 year old. Sunny K*


  • Please pray for my son, Christian, who, in addition to his heart defects requiring open-heart surgery every five years, has been diagnosed with metastatic thyroid cancer.  I ask you to implore God's mercy and grant healing so that Christian will not have to under-go the long and dangerous surgery planned for him.


  • I also ask for prayers for my father, Edward, who passed away Easter Sunday from complications of kidney cancer.  Please pray that he will enter God's heavenly kingdom without delay.


  • Lastly, I ask for prayers for myself, for God's grace to survive my third battle with breast cancer.  That God will sustain me through the tribulation so that I may help family, friends and those in need and, God-willing, be granted the grace to enter the New Paradise.
  • April 17: Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Vietnam as they are now forbidden to receive the Holy Sacrament on their tongues, and our Prayer Groups Jesus To Mankind are no longer allowed to meet in their churches. Please pray to our Heavenly Father to give them all the Graces they need to remain loyal to Jesus (Litany 6) and the True Catholic Church, especally strength and courage to persevere in our Mission for Jesus. Let us also pray for those in the Vietnamese Church who took such decisions, and let us ask our Almighty God to forgive them (CP 104).


  • please pray for my Mom, Helen C., she died this passed Friday on March 20th.   Pray for my family and I who are so sorrowful at this time.  I offer up to Jesus my sorrow and suffering for the salvation of all souls and for His Day of Divine Mercy to come as soon as possible and for the intentions of this prayer group.


  • I ask for your intercession to implore Jesus and Mary to help us in the present difficulties. I ask the Lord three great graces of physical healing for me, my mom and my sister in law, I also ask Jesus to help me in the problems I have at work, I'm tired because I do not work and do everything to get in trouble, for make me lose my patience and to make me go away. I also ask my Jesus to help me increase my faith, hope and charity, to give me the humility and obedience, patience and gentleness; to pour on our spirit flame of Love of the Holy Spirit that brings us his gifts and charisms. We are small and we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Maternal protection and guidance of Mary. I commend all of my family and our problems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and I'm sure that your prayers will get us all grace and blessing from the Lord. Pray for my grandson who flew in the sky before being born. Thanks, I trust in you, God bless you.


  • We are going to ask another child from god. My wife has few      complications      .please   pray for blessing      and strength      to overcome this hurdle. 
  • Let my family guide by the lord Jesus Christ at all times.
  • My daughter is now 7 years. Please pray for her good health.
  •  Pray for Gods      guidance/protection      and blessings to do my job. I might get a transfer, let it be      according to the      god's will
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • Pray for my sisters two children's for good health.
  • All the dengue effected people in sri lanka
  • Remember all the people who have ask prayers from me
  • Pray  for Kanthi,Roland,malsha,thiwanka,suwendi,sudesh,annete,rita,surani,rangika,suranga 
  • Pray for shamini ,manjula and shamaya
  • Pray for release from our fears, weakness and addictions. Pray      for peace of      my mind .i easily get excited .it leads to wrong decision making      and suffer      mentally. .i will never give up fighting with this nature. pray      for increase my      faith in the word of god which gives hope ,life and peace 
  •  Pray for my aunty Nirmala  for Gods        healing power  (she      has been      diagnosed with  breast      cancer).
  • You all in my daily prayers .thank you



  • Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus - 
    I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.
    Dear fellow Christians, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people - which will hopefully, by that time, include all of us! Thank you! God bless you!


  • Please pray for total conversion for my children and their friends - Frances, Michael, Marc and Sarah.


  • FROM : Sister Monique
    "Late Sunday afternoon on 1 March 2015, I received a message from M. Francoise, a delegate of the International Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and I managed to reach her by telephone.
    She was leaving for Paris, and collapsed at the news she had just received: members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Syria were kidnapped, along with their wives and children. The children were isolated and put into cages. Adults who do not deny their faith will be decapitated, and their children burned alive in the cages. M. Francoise had been in regular contact with several of them before all this occurred. She asked me to transmit the news and make a fervent appeal for prayers for these people, and all who are held hostage.
    Let us remain fervently united in prayer, and have as our intention the welfare of all brothers and sisters in our Christian faith who are being held hostage"
    Many of you will be holding your conference and council meetings today or tomorrow or in the next few weeks. I ask that you mention the plight of our fellow members of the Society and pray for them.
    Bob Ossowski



  • 01/03: Please pray for all my intentions. For my healings of body, mind and soul. To forgive my sins of my past. To give me wisdom, send help when I need, guidance when reqd., to protect me from all dangers, accidents, sickness and from all my enemies. To help me in my calling. To sove my financial problems.To heal the pain on my shoulders. To heal my eye sight and blood sugar. Please pray for the souls of my mother and father., Souls of all people died in my family, Souls of my ancestors
  • Please pray for the healing of my blood circulation problem and healing of  pain inside my leg muscles.To give me grace to wash my hair and grace to bear the climate. Also please pray for the protection of my house from all danger and disaster, from all theft and robbery, from all reptiles and animals, from all insects and flies and from all contagious diseases.  M.A.


  • 01/03: Dear Friends of Jesus Christ,Please pray for my Mom, Helen.  She has hardening of the arteries throughout her body and now it is damaging her brain.  Please pray for a healing.  Pray for Mercy.  She is a very prayerful woman.  She taught me to pray the Rosary at 3PM the hour of our Lord’s Passion.      I have offered up my sufferings and trials as a gift to Jesus to save all souls and to bring healing to all who cry out to Him. Sincerely, C.C.


  • Please pray for me to get a healthy,long living and successful marriage life,Please bless both of us with happiness and a good future generations with god fear,long life,knowledge and wisdom.
  •  Please pray for me to get that promotion in the interview which am eligible by overcoming the politics and issues with clients. .Please pray to get happiness in work place .Please remove my anxiety about job and provide me job security and growth in career.
  • Please pray god to help me in clearing my debts.
  • Thanks for all the blessings god has showered on me.
  • Please, all of you, pray with your families, your prayer groups, everyday, that God our Lord protects all the little Christian babies in Iraq from the wickedness of those brutes who torture them:


  • 15.01: Please pray for the soul of our member Stein (74). He died on January 22th, 2015. May Our and his beloved Virgin Mary carry him home in Heaven.

  • Unfortunately this year's Xmas seem to be a sad one to all of us because last night my wife Shyla was hospitalized following a fall on Monday night and an emergency surgery was done,as the bone on her right leg above ankle was broken and the ortho surgeon had inserted a steel rod (...) inside her right leg.Naturally it is an expensive surgery and so we are very much afraid about the final bill.She will be there for at least a week.The surgeon said that Shyla's bones are very soft and can break even a small hit.Please pray for her.

December 2014:


  • Please Pray for Healing E's Back, In Jesus Name,


  • Thank you and your prayer group for you prayers for me, it strengthening me to take one day at a time.  ... i lost my mother on 30th October she died of a heart attack. It breaks my heart when I think my mother is no more on this earth... I still cannot accept my husband is no more. Thank God for the two precious treasure He had blessed me with my kids. I can feel Gods closeness He is my strength and my comfort. Moving on in hope that I day we will meet in spirit.I need only you prayers to comfort and may Almighty through the intercession of Mama Mary help me everyday to do His will till the end


  • Please pray that I find a full time teaching position at a Catholic school where I will be respected as a teacher, staff member, not harassed or accused of doing things that I have not done. Please pray that a principal of one school I subbed at 2 weeks ago stops discriminating against me and that she stops accusing me of doing things I have not done. Please pray that false accursers stop accusing, as gossip or false complaints may they never destroy my teaching career or life. Please pray that I find A PRACTICING CATHOLIC SPOUSE. Lately, I have been feeling tired, frustrated, lonely, accused of things that I have not done this has increased my level of anxiety and stress,worry.Let Jesus guide me and watch over me.May Jesus protect me from false accusers, false accusations, gossip, sin,evil, and anxiety/worry. Please also pray for the health, wellness and safety of my immediate and extended family. I really need you to PRAY FOR MY INTENTIONS. Please feel free to forward my prayer requests to others.


  • Please we need a strong prayer for my dearly mother Mila. She's very sick and battle life and death right now. Thank you.


  • My father Rudy has a rare gallbladder cancer. Please please join me in praying for my father’s well being, for him to be completely healed. I am also praying for my father’s spiritual side, praying that he will let the Lord work in his life and follow God’s words and be able to entirely surrender to the Almighty and that he will live for so many years and share to people of God’s blessings and goodness. Please pray for him. Thank you.


  • I ask for prayers for physical healing for me and for my mother, I implore the Virgin Mary to come to our aid soon to give us those graces that help us to be better people spiritually and prepare us for physical healing, not misusing the gift health. Jesus set me free from the attacks of the evil and the bad people and that I create serious problems in the workplace, they want to move the seat and take no account of my illness, I do find it hard to work as before. I beg you pray a lot for us, if God does not intervene nobody will help us, too many powerful people who hinder me, are serious our diseases. Strange phenomena occur even to my car, we are attacked by Satan also on our finances and in society we are isolated and poorly views, we are no longer free to live our lives and nobody helps us. Thanks.


  • Dear brothers and sisters in the prayer group, I'm seeking urgent prayers of the members of the prayer group now as we are passing through a very difficult situation in our life,especially since the marriage of our son in September 2014.Unfortunately,our daughter in law is behaving very badly to our son and this has created problems in our son's life.She has not yet ready for body relationship with him yet,though they got married about three months back. Secondly,since the marriage we became heavy debtors and there is no means even to pay the interest of marriage loan which we had taken to conduct the marriage of our son.So we beg you to pray jointly for a quick relief to our son and also to us,parents.Take care.


  • Thank-you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray during this Advent and Christmas Season for the following intentions:

Intention 1) Please pray that I find a full time teaching position in a Catholic school.
Intention 2) Please pray I find a Godly Catholic husband.
Intention 3) Please pray that false accusers stop accusing, judging and spreading false gossip. May false gossip, evil, and gossip never destroy my teaching career. May Jesus protect me from sin, evil, gossip, and false accusations both in my professional and personal life.
Intention 4) Please continue to pray for the safety, good health and wellness for my immediate and extended family members during now and next year


  • Please pray for my wife Nining (51 years old), she is sick in the back of her body (low back pain/spondylolisthesis at L4-L5). She has been suffering this pain for almost 2 years. She has found it hard to stand for long time when the pain recurs, while I have to work to support my family, we have 2 children. We have tried various treatments but have not seen meaningful change. I have almost given up. With all humility I pleaded please pray that any and all disease will be permanently removed from her body and that she will be pain free.  Lord, if I have displeased You in any way, kindly forgive me and heal my wife. The Scripture says that You have already borne our griefs and sorrows on the cross and that we are healed by Your stripes. I look up to You, my Heavenly Lord! With all humility I am a despicable and sinful pleaded let Your healing hands touch my wife and heal her from all sickness, Lord, hear our prayer, Amen....


  • Special request: pray for my aunty Nirmala for Gods healing power (she has been diagnosed with breast cancer).Doctors have given up hope. But our hope is in God

My daughter is now 6 years. Please pray for her good health.

Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job. I might get a transfer this year, let it be according to the god’s will

Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self

Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -20 months and8 years)

All the dengue effected people in sri lanka

Remember all the people who have ask prayers from me

Offer this request as a thanks giving for all the blessing and protection receive through your intentions

Pray for Kanthi,Roland,malsha,thiwanka,suwendi,sudesh,annete,rita,surani,rangika,suranga

Pray for release from our fears, weakness and addictions. Pray for peace of my mind .i easily get excited .it leads to wrong decision making and suffer mentally. I used pray when every I have time and post prayer request. I know your and my prayer were have good result .i will not never give up fighting with this nature. pray for increase my faith in the word of god which gives hope ,life and peace

You all in my daily prayers .thank you


October 2014:


  • 31.10:

1)Our son got married on Sept14,2014 and we pray for a happy married life to them through out their life time,despite various hurdles in their life,besides to bless them an offspring.
2)Our daughter is 25 years old plus,but despite our best efforts of the last two to three years,no marriage proposal has been decided and following this both our daughter and we parents are very sad,and we pray for an early marriage for her.
3)Following various ailments,both my wife and myself are suffering in these days.We have been praying to our Lord for a miraculous healing at the earliest.
4)Since we have hardships and sufferings due to debt burden and lack of funds over the last ten long years,our life is not at all comfortable.We pray for a miraculous financial breakthrough to end our hardships and sufferings.

  • 28.10: Thanksgiving  95 % of the house construction is over. Thank you God the father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and mother Mary. Thank you for your prayers
  • Special request: pray for my wife aunty Nirmala  for Gods  healing power  (she diagnosed with  breast cancer)

My daughter is now 6 years. Please pray for her good health

Pray for release from our fears,weakness and addictions

Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job. I might get a transfer this year, let it be according to the god’s will

Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self

Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -20 months and8 years)

All the dengue effected people in sri lanka

Remember all the people who have ask prayers from me

Offer this request as a thanks giving for all the blessing and protection receive through your intentions 

Pray for Kanthi,Roland,malsha,thiwanka,suwendi,sudesh,annete,rita,surani,rangika,suranga 

You all in my daily prayers .thank you


  • 18.10: Please pray for healing for the eldest daughter from a male member of our prayer group. She suffers from a psychosis and therefore they spreads lies about her family and other people. The whole family suffers very much and needs our prayer.


  • 12.10. we need very strong prayers for Irene(the lady who took care of Mother).  She is going through severe depression.  Nothing has happened,  She does not want to pick up the phone.  Nor does she open the door.  I am so concerned.  She is very faith filled God fearing  Charismatic person - I feel she is attacked by the devil.  Please pray for her deliverance.
  • 03/10:  I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ begging mercy for my husband Michael that he will heal his asbestosis in his lungs if it is your holy will . Jesus
  • Our sins render us unworthy of your mercy,Jesus I trust in you Please guid our children in truth and vertue to come to know you and love you


  • 24.08: Please pray for the very ill father of my husband. His doctors said that he will die within the next hours. He has a very aggressive cancer. May our prayer help to save his soul. He  is a protestant and lived many years without faith. His wife and their children are catholics and live also without faith and without the Holy Sacraments.
  • 26.08: The father of my husband died last night (26.08.). Please pray for his soul and for his wife and children. THANK YOU for your prayer!


  • 14.08: Kindly Pray for our Mother Raisa K. for her complete Healing & Recovery of uterine cancer, and the full return to Health, Strength & Mobility after her recently completed radiation therapy.


  • 11.08: Don’t know how to say please pray for me and my family. It happened on 4th July morning at 5.30. He called my beloved husband to His heavenly home. My husband was a wonderful person a unique creation of God. (...) too difficult to breath without him only and only by the grace of God I can live the rest of my life on earth. My daughter is 3yrs 4 months and second baby (son) is 4 months. My baby’s baptism was on 10th july.



  • Please, pray for all victims in Gaza - particularly for the many  killed children and their families.
  • a scandinavian doctor works day and night in a hospital in Gaza and he told that he has never before seen so many dead children!
  • Let us also pray for this brave doctor and  for all helpers and their families in the crisis-areas who risk their own lives to help the needy and victims.


JULY 2014


  • 28.07.: I ask for prayers for me and for my mother, I implore physical healing for us. I beg God to have mercy on our weakness and our misery. The pain runs through our lives, but we trust in the God of the impossible and we hope that the Divine will have for us in the healing of our diseases. I ask for prayers for the family of my brother, for economic aid and to find a good job for my sister in law. I pray the Lord so much to help all of us in all our needs and demands, to grant us the Holy Spirit with his gifts and charisms and a lot of faith and humility.God deliver us from the evil and the bad people and perverse that may impede our path of conversion, bless us and grant us all the graces necessary for eternal salvation. Lord, You know all our heart awaits your light, your love, your grace. Thank you.


  • 23.07: Please pray  for all victims of flight MH 17!
  • Please pray also for the Ukrainian, Israeli  and Palestinian people!


  • An administrator of a warning-facebook-group asks us for our prayer for friends of him who  were passengers of flight MH 17. Father, mother, grandma and two little sons died. Let us pray for their souls and for all other victims of flight MH 17 and for their families!


  • Please pray for my daughter Brianna who has severe mental health problems. God Bless you all!


  • 22.07: Please pray that I stay safe here and my cold goes away in Florida until it is time to get home, please pray that I have a safe flight on American airlines to Dallas, stay safe at the airport and have a safe flight back home to Alberta,Canada from Florida. I really want to get home safely.


  • 15.07: Please pray for my teenage daughter who is on pilgrimage to Medjugorje, that she will have a strong spiritual encounter with Jesus and Mary. Also pray for another daughter who has left the faith and become an enemy of God that she be converted. Finally pray that their deceased sister intercede for them both.


  • 15.07:  jesus help my people....wisdom and all...healing...... self control .... love.... stablish strenght..afirm.... blessings...............sell the unit 4 allellluya miracles...are possible with god........



JUNE 2014


27.06: My daughter now 6 years .she often gets sick. Please pray for her

Still I am under medication. Lot of improvement by the grace of god

Pray for release from our weakness and addictions

Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.

Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self

Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -14 months and8 years)

All the dengue effected people in sri lanka

Offer this request as a thanks giving for all the blessing and protection receive through your intentions 

You all in my daily prayers .thank you



17.06: We ask you  all for your urgent prayers for all Christs in Iraq  who are currently in mortal danger. A cloister in Iraq asks for worldwide prayer.


  • Please pray that JESUS grants my parents and I have a safe trip down to Florida. Please pray that we have a safe 2 flights down there, a safe trip, and a safe 2 flights back home to Canada. That nothing bad happens while we are away from home, at the airport, in the air, and down there. 


  • I thank to the Holy Trinity for the gift of a baby boy. It is only because of His love and grace my baby birth was safe after much problems . Thank you lord for all your blessings. May this baby grow in Your love and peace. A.


MAY 2014


  • 05/25: My daughter now 6 years .she got fever since 22/05/2014.please pray for her
  • Still I am under medication. Lot of improvement by the grace of god
  • Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -14 months and8 years)
  • Chandana,one of my school mate undergoing treatment for brain tumor .please pray for him
  • All the dengu effected people  in sri lanka
  • You all in my daily prayers .thank you


  • Please, pray for a young possessed woman who tried to poison her. May our prayers help her to become able to go to a good priest and to save her soul! THANK YOU


APRIL 2014


  • 04/22: Please pray that the Medals of Salvation as well as the Scapulars featuring the Seal of the Living God, will be made available NOW EVERYONE EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD!!! Please pray to bless and protect Maria Divine Mercy, her followers and this VERY IMPORTANT MISSION TO SAVE ALL SOULS...


  • 22.04: Please pray for my sister to get a job finally after all these years.  She has gone through lot in her life and is still going through it but never giving up.  Mom and dad have been taking care of her and it’s been really hard on them at their age.  She’s not into praying a lot so I thought I would do it for her.  I hope good things will come her way soon.


  • 04/08: I need plenty more belief, plenty more power of prayer and more Holy Ghost with me. Please pray also that God gives me gifts of God's grade.


MARCH 2014


  • 03/22: 1)  My aunty got minor hart attract and hospitalize. She is unmarried and staying with my sisters.

Please pray for my elder sister, younger sister and family, my mother and my aunty. They are going in bad time for some time. 

2) Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. pray for unhealthiness in my mind

  Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. pray for unhealthiness in my mind

3) Our house construction is in progress .pray for god’s guidance and blessing to complete the project.

4] Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health 

5} I just completed 15 months in my new appointment .pray for guidance, protection and blessing to do my responsibilities. Due to my promotion i will get a new place .let it is according to god’s will


  • 03/20: I am humbly asking your help through prayers for my mother diagnosed with lung cancer stage four, please help me to pray for her not to suffer much, thank you so much.


  • 03/18: Please pray that  God heals me from my Stress, Panic and Anxiety and points my Cardiologist to what is really happening with my heart and circulatory system


  • 03/16: Please, pray for my husband Christian (42). He lives without faith because he always claims that God never helped him when he prayed to him.  Christian suffers for several years because he searches a new and less stressful job near his family.  I persuaded him to make a Holy Mass-Novena (9 Sunday-Masses) and today he was really the first time with us in the Holy Mass.  - Already tomorrow he will have a new job - interview in a firm not far away. After the last ~ 25 job interviews he always met a refusal. May Our Mercyful Father in Heaven help him tomorrow and give him the gift of faith.
  • 03/18: The chief of the new firm would take my husband but the wage is too low for our big family. Please, pray that the chief will raise the wage so that my husband is able to take the job near our family! THANK YOU SO MUCH!


  • 03/15:  "I also ask you to keep "Ma." in your prayers. She is our Korean translator and just had heart surgery."



  • 03/06:  "Please pray for my Sister-in-law and myself the delivery due date is on 28th and 26th March. May Jesus and Mother Mary touch the minds and hands of the doctor to take the decision according to HIs Holy will. May we have a safe delivery".


  • a male member asks us for our prayer for his mental and physical healing and financial problems. Thank you!


  • 03/05: Please pray for me. I really,really need help. After eight years of battling with alcoholism and depression, I'm trying to get my life back, but everything seems so grey and empty now. I feel, I don't have any purpose to live anymore. I feel lost and in despair now. Heavenly Father, please, enlighten me and show my way in life. Help me to find the job I like, the place I wish to live and please, give me the purpose to live. Also, please pray for my mother Dana, recently she had a stroke and very ill now. Father, please take care of my mother and help her to recover. Thank you T.





  • 18.02: I send a prayer intention back in late fall for my mom. My mom will be having her Hematologist appointment please continue to pray for her as there is still no explanation why her WBC is low. I myself have been struggling with stomach problems due to GERD and feeling anxious. I  still have not found a fulltime teaching position so I am not teaching on a full time basis and although I feel called to be married I am still single and I am turning 29 this year. Family/personal health concerns, the desire to work full time in the field I love, pressure to finally meet the right person to marry , all these things have increased my anxiety/stress levels greatly.Please continue to pray for me and my mom.


17.02: Intentions:
  • pray for my  elder sister .on 10th morning suddenly her one side of the face got paralyzed  .please pray for early recovery.she is under medication
  • Pray for my mother, s sickness
  • We have started building the 2 ND floor of the house. Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to complete the project. There is an issue with regard to the blind wall, let God’s help and guidance come upon that matter .
  •  Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • My daughter started school this January .let her start journey with the protection of the god .give graces to study well and find some good friends.
  • Pray for release from  our weakness and addictions
  • Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -12 months and 7 years)
  • Pray for my two sisters and my   wife’s two sisters for their future
  • My aunty (67 years)not well .she  is not married and living with my sister and mother please pray for her
  •   You all in my daily prayers .thank you


  • 15.02: Please pray for Gerard Francis(18) drug addict and drug dealer.  He was in a christian rehab for about a week and today he just tried to kill himself.  Here is what his Mom writes.  Please pray for his Mom, Judith, too. Thanks & God bless
  • 14.02: Maria has asked us to request that the Remnant Army pray as never before. The attacks against the Work intensify as it is an enormous threat to the evil one. 

Because of the incredible power of the Medal of Salvation the devil is quite upset.  Every soul who wears it will be out of his control.  He is not going down easily and is causing every kind of interference he can regarding the Medal of Salvation. Please pray and ask your Crusade Prayer Groups to pray. You can all see the Messages regarding the weather being fulfilled very rapidly. God Bless you


  • 14.02.: I ask your prayers for one of our translators whose home was just covered with ashes from a volcano that just erupted nearby.  He is in Indonesia.  Please pray for his safety and that of his family.  His name is Andri.  Thank you very much.


  • 02/03/2014: Please ask our prayer group to remember my nephew, Michael, age 19 who is in the hospital with severe asthma and a problem also with his kidney.
  • Please also remember my mother, Alexis, who suffered a mini-stroke on January 1st and will go for surgery related to this on February 12th.




  • 01/26/2014: Please pray for my mother. She is a person whm didnot receive much happines in life, from husband or from everywere.She suffered a lot to make me an engineer.Currently her health is not good and she is suffering from an unknown disease which cause swelling in leg.She fall 2-3 times in road and got injured.As am staying abroad, i cant look her and my younger brother is taking care of her.Please pray for my mother.Please give good health and long life and please enable her to enjoy her life with happiness.
  • Please pray about our wish to make own house , please pray for my brothers result and please bring happiness to our life.Thanks for all the blessings god has showered on us


  • 01/21: "Father

Do I see V.
I confess and repent of alcohol abuse.
HEAL MY knee left.
Help me finish Tax.
Heal my heartache,
How.complete SH script.


  • a member asks us for our prayer for his job, his boss and the company for which he works: God bestow abundance blessing and graces unto my boss, S.C. and the company, S. F. E. (...)
  • Christ presence, blessing, divine providence and divine intervention in my daily work, daily life, my finance, and church life in Port D. and S..
  • God bestow blessing and wisdom upon my traveling around the nation with the marketing and management responsibility.
  • God grants me more than victory in my daily life, daily work, in the company and personal life in Port D. and S..


  • 01/20: Please, pray for the two sisters "Ge." and "Th." and  all their conserns. Their mother died last year. Thank you for your prayer!


  • 01/17: For  C & H. Have made an agreement to be married and would like to ask God's blessing on the relationship and for the transitions to be made.  Thank You.


  • 01/16: I'm asking for prayers of reconciliation for myself and the love of my life. she is my best friend and I hope one day for her to be my wife. But recently we had been arguing andI broke her trust.  (...) Please bring us back together again, let our foundation be strong and loving please let me get the apartment that is affordable I want to create a home for my family including her


  • 01/13: We have started building the 2 ND floor of the house. Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to complete the project. There is an issue with regard to the blind wall, let God’s help and guidance come upon that matter .
  •  Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • My daughter started school this January .let her start journey with the protection of the god .give graces to study well and find some good friends.
  • Pray for our weakness and addictions
  • Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -6 months and 7 years)
  • Pray for my two sisters and my   wife’s two sisters for their future
  •   You all in my daily prayers .thank you
  • Thanksgiving: I got my confirmation to the new post. I might get a transfer .i give my future to my savior Jesus
  • My daughter started schooling on 07/01/2014.Let my daughter has the blessing of the Jesus to go school every day and learn well.
  • The construction of the 2nd floor is 80% completed .hoping to complete by end of next month


  • 01/13: Dear Prayer Warriors, Please continue praying Vincent(London)- looks like it is a very serious problem. .  Maybe, to-day afternoon.  1st of all -his sodium level is low, that is the reason he fell that day.  Secondly, they are not sure that his heart will be able to take that surgery.  Thirdly, they say that the blood clot has grown bigger and if it bleeds they will not be able to control it.  The bleeding is the biggest risk involved in this surgery.  But, I know that our Lord is the biggest healer-and He can do wonders which no one, even Dr.s can't understand.


  • 01/09/2014: I am in a desperate and dire situation for a job. Last month I attended 2 interviews and heard 6 people were selected. Please pray for me to be one among those 6 people to get the job. Otherwise to get a job in the second company or any suitable Co.
  • Request urgent prayers for my mothers soon recovery from tounge ulcer. May lord God Jesus christ wash with his blood and heal her soon and not lead to any complications

Mary, take over and resolve what I am not able to resolve. Take care of those things that are beyond my reach. You have the power to do so. Who can ever say that he was disappointed in you after having called you?
Mother, take over at this moment when I see nothing, when there does not seem to be any light in the tunnel, this moment of doubt, fear, this hour of making the right decision when everything seems to be going against me. Amen




  • 12/30: Could I ask all of you to keep Lauran in your prayers. She has the flu and is very very sick right now...and it would seem her husband is getting sick now as well. He has been taking care of her and their 7 year old son with special needs. They need prayers. Please....thank you.


  • 12/18: Please pray for my sister-in-law she is a nun and after her final profession in 2005 she has rejoined the convent in Nigeria. Tomorrow is her final profession for the second time. Through the intercession of Mother Mary may the Holy Spirit guide her to do the will of God the Father. Please pray for her and all the nuns who are taking the final vows tomorrow 19/12/13


  • 12/12: a female member asks us for our prayer for her sister and for the widow of her brother who died last year. Both women are against the warning-messages and one of them is very ill and in few days she will receive the medical test results if she has cancer or not. Please pray for her for healing and also for the whole family. They need so much the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your prayer!


  • 12/05: I pray in Jesus's name that my mom's(Janina) bloodwork comes out normal tomorrow(Thursday) and that she is healed from her LOW white blood count and neutropenia and higher glucose levels as well, that her internal organs and bonemarrow/blood are healthy and cancer free. That Jesus restores her to normal health and all illnesses/health concerns/stresses leave her body and soul immediately.



  • 11/30: Please ask our internet prayer group to pray for a dear lady, Ann, who is dying of cancer. Please also remember her husband James and son, Jason. Thank you. D.


  • Let us pray that there will be no  legislative amendment of the Belgian euthanasia law. Belgian pediatricians and other doctors require euthanasia for very ill  and disabled children but also for demented elderly!!!!!


  • 11/08: dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Please pray for the Philippines. Our Filipino priest Jun J. wrote us one day ago: "As of now we are preparing here for the arrival of the super typhoon. Just a few weeks back, we also have a 7.2 earthquake here in central Philippines. Please pray for us. My blessings to the IPG+"
  • Furthermore he asked us to publish the following words: "Please inform our followers that I am praying for all the intentions of the members regularly in my masses."
  • Fr. Jun wrote us several hours later (11/8/2013, 2:00 pm):

    Thanks for the prayers. The storm has passed and we are all fine. We were thinking it was really a super typhoon but it was not. The prayers could have weakened it. Thanks again. Fr. Jun, OFM Cebu City, Philippines


  • 11/04: For Our Lord to direct the marketing and use of a newly invented machine according to His Will. Amen.




  • 10/30: Please pray for me to get a better job...Thank you very much!


  • 10/29: Pray my wife’s brother. He is not seriously continuing in one job .he resigned from his last job in January and up to now with a job.
  • We have started building the 2 ND floor of the house. Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to complete the project.
  • I have further 3 months for my confirmation (new promotion) Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • Continuously keep my wife, my daughter and myself in your prayers because really we live by god’s grace.
  • Pray for our weakness and addictions
  • Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health.(they often get sick -6 months and 7 years)
  • Pray for my two sisters and my wife’s two sisters for their future
  • My neighbor met with an accident and seriously wounded. Pray for her

      You all in my daily prayers .thank you


  • 10/10: I am only on a fixed term employment. As of now, my contract has been extended until 31 October 2013. We pray that it will be extended for a longer period and we hope that my colleagues and I will be offered permanent positions in the Ministry of Education if it be in accordance to the Will of the Lord.



  • 09/27: I would like you to please pray for my friend she is having a hard battle with cancer. Her name is Evoncia.


  • 09/21: For my daughter, "C.", (age 22) who is leaving for Mozambique, Africa with Peace Corps to teach. For her physical and spiritual protection and for grace to learn Portuguese language.  Thank You !


  • 09/20: I would like to request for prayer for the speedy healing of my left hand which was injured in an accident last May. I hope that I will be able to use my hand normally as soon as possible. Thank you and God bless us all! Sr. A.


  • 09/13: Please pray for the soul of my mother who died recently on August 3rd and for all the family who are now sad after this great loss.
  • Pray for Ned who is dying from motor neuron disease. That God may have mercy on him.
  • Pray that I may be able to get a good job soon. Please ask St. Joseph and St. Anthony to intercede for this intention as I don't ever have much luck without their help!!


  • 09.09.: We have started building the 2 ND floor of the house. Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to complete the project.
  • I have further 4 months for my confirmation (new promotion) Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • Continuously keep my wife, my daughter and myself in your prayers because really we live by god’s grace.
  • Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health
  •  You all in my daily prayers .thank you


  • 09.08: Please pray for my wife who is adamantly opposed to my involvement with Maria Divine Mercy's messages, and is 100 percent convinced they are of demonic origin.  Please pray that her hardened heart is penetrated with the Love of Jesus so that she finally sees the Truth prior to the Warning, and that whatever demons are attacking our family now are instantly banished from our midst.  Thank you.


  • we ask you for your prayer for a crusade prayer group which is extremely attacked and also for a male member of the attacked prayer-group. He has problems with his wife because she does not want that he works so much for the Warning apostolate.


  • 09/02: We have started building the 2 ND floor of the house. Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to complete the project.
  • I have further 4 months for my confirmation (new promotion) Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to do my job.
  • Pray for good health for my daughter, my wife and my self
  • Continuously keep my wife, my daughter and myself in your prayers because really we live by god’s grace.
  • Pray for my sisters two children’s for good health; You all in my daily prayers . thank you


  • Pray for two physical healings and spiritual healings. I hear the Lord speak to me I know that you want to heal our bodies and our souls, make it soon gives us the ability to understand what is missing and how to fix it, enlightens our hearts, inflame us with your love and do not stop to open our hearts to comprehend until the moment of complete physical and spiritual healing, grant us all the graces necessary for the soul and body. Lord have mercy on us SEE OUR SUFFERING? We need to know, we need to know your will to be able to pray with power. Help us. thanks




  • 08/29: one of our priests asks us for our prayer. He was elected as the Custos of the Custody of  his homeland. Since then, his life has changed very much. He asks us for our prayers for this heavy responsibility. 
  • He also wrote us: "I just want to update our prayer circles that I still continue to celebrate masses daily for the intentions of the internet prayer group."


  • 08/26: a male member asked us for our prayer for a possible priestly vocation. He wrote:  "I leave it in Our Lady's hands. Please pray that I will make the proper decision when the time is right. I am 46 years old and have 5 years' seminary training behind me, so I would be a delayed vocation if I have one." Thank you for your prayer!



  • 08/20: a female member asks for our prayer for the imminent conversion of Jim:  "a veteran of Vietnam war, 67 years old, who is terminal ill and have 2 months to live. He already asked me if I believe in reincarnation. So, I ask to pray that he will be open to message of God about HIS immense love and forgiving. "


  • 08/17: We ask for your prayer for Jerry: "Jerry (prayer request 08/12) died at the hospital today, on Friday, at 2pm. Eternal rest give him O Lord!"
  • 08/20: a female member who helps to vacate the house from her deceased friend Jerry asks us for our prayer ... so that all Jerry's stuff will go to best possible hands, to those which are in need.
  • Jerrys funeral will be on Friday, 23rd August. Thank you for your prayer!


  • 08/14: a pilgrim-group which will fly to the Holy Land in few days asks us for our prayer: " Please pray for our safety & success in bringing peace to the Middle East!"
  • one of the pilgrims wrote: "Please pray also that we do not have any delays on our flights, because we will miss our first of three possible apparitions."


  • 08/12: a female member asked for our prayer for a friend (Jerry): "... he does have pneumonia and is at the hospital, but seams doing better since he was taken from emergency unit to the hospital room. Please, continue to pray, he will be our big help afterwards, he is a co- founder of our group."
  • and she asked also for our prayer for: "Irena K. an aunt of our prayer warrior died in Poland, please pray!"


  • I am praying to move out to the mainland. the lord open door. job, home to move out to the mainland. the lord know my situation. please lord help us. touch my spouse heart. open door for him. keep my son. help us from invisible and visible enemies.  thank you for all agreement prayer.



July 2013

  • I would also like to ask you to pray for me and my whole family we are being attacked spiritually especially my husband A. and i C. and E.


  • Please pray Jesus to stop the progression of, and heal me of macular degeneration .
  • Prayers for reconciliation between my daughter and myself.
  • I need a true, loyal, joyful , loving companion. Thank you all


  • testimony (prayer request June 20th): "God the father, Jesus and Holy Spirit thank you for giving such a wonderful brothers and sisters who pray for us in our needs.   I pray that they receive you presence each and every moment in their lives. How many people intercede for my daughter? Many Doctors diagnose my daughter’s fever is deadly DENGUE  FEVER .Dengue Fever every year take lives in Sri Lanka and it effects to 20,000 people or more .Once it got you have to take care  the sick with utmost care .It is a Miracle for me that she got save. She is just 5 years. Keep our family in your prayers"


June 2013


  • 06/28: Please pray for Kelli.  She is gravely ill.  She is expected to not live past the weekend.  Please pray for her healing in accordance with God's Will.  Above all, please pray for her conversion and salvation of her soul.  May Jesus bring her to eternal salvation.  thank you.

  • 06/25: Please pray for me and my family. Hopefully, through your prayers and the prayers of our family, our financial problems that we are facing right now will soon be overcome. Amen


  • 06/24:Please Pray for who has been given 2 weeks to live and for his wife Susan and their children
  • Please Pray for Brianne and her unborn Baby that both will have a healthy and Happy delivery
  • Please Pray for Bianca , Andrew & Brianne that they will do GOD’S Will and will continue to grow in holiness to Him
  • Please Pray for Frank that he is doing GOD’S Will and may he continue to grow in holiness
  • Please Pray for All of My Family & Friends that they will be safe and freed from All harm and every evil and may they All fined favor in GOD’S Mercy & Abundant Graces
  • May GOD continue to Bless Us All Abundantly in this prayer group today and always Amen


  • 06/20: My 5 year  daughter hospitalized due to fever on 18/06/2013.she got fever since 16/06/2013.urgently need prayers for deliverance from this sickness. Last two blood reports are not good. Please intercede
  • 06/22: Her RED and white cells count also reducing. I have hope in Jesus only. Please offer a holy mass and prayers because her condition is not good. Pray is the greatest power on earth . i will hold on to that
  • 06/26: daughter discharged from the hospital .thank u for your prayers. keep us in prayers .


  • 06/17: ThanksgivingMy daughter got the admission for  grade 1 to a leading convent in Colombo


  • We are hoping to start building the 2 ND floor from July/august onwards. Pray for Gods guidance/protection and blessings to complete the project.
  • Doctors have prescribe thyroxin tablet for My wife since that organ is not functioning .this issue giving lot of problem  when it comes to plan a 2 child. we want to have a another child. pray for Gods guidance/protection/strengths  and blessings to have a healthy child .
  • Pray for my daughter. she is not well
  • Continuously keep my wife, my daughter and myself in your prayers because really we live by god’s grace .you all in my daily prayers .thank you


  • 06/10: a female member asks us for prayer for her friend "J." He has prostate and bones cancer but he spends his money on a wrong way, not doing any preparation to close his estate. There will be no money even for the funeral.Thank you for your prayer!


  • 06/10: Please, pray for my son in law. I know that Christ is calling him into service and he is attacked physically and spiritually causing him to stall. Please pray for his healing and his obedience.


  • an Irish member wrote us: "Our Irish government is very determined to have the bill passed in July. It looks like that we will have abortion in Ireland" Please, continue to pray for the Irish government so that the politicians recognize the Holy Will of God.

Crusade of Prayer (32) Pray to stop Abortion in Ireland

Pray, pray, pray my crusade prayer for Ireland (32)

O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us. Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair from the darkness, which covers our country. Rid us of the evil one who wants to destroy your children, yet to be born. Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”


  • 06/06: Please pray for the conversion of my 4 children and their families. Lorraine,  Albert,  Allan and David.C.


  • 06/06: Please pray for the soul of Mother Nadine. She died on June 3rd. She had a big and next-loving heart and helped many people and also priests.


  • a member wrote us: I have a friend Rita who has ALS(motor neuron illness) and is at the last stages.She is 47years old and married with a son who is 8 years old and has Down Syndrome.Her husband (a former alcoholic) is trying to cope as well as he can ,but it is too much for him.Rita cannot move any more,and her lungs are working only 40 percent. Please pray for courage,strenght and a miracle of healing for Rita.And for her husband that he is mentally strong and that he doesn't start to drink again.Please pray for miracle for Rita.That Jesus might heal her,give her new strength and health.Her son needs her.She was the one who kept the family going. Please pray for a good solution for their situation and for help and healing.Thank you and God bless.


May 2013


  • 05/31: I would like to request for a prayer from every member for the upcoming seminars in USA. May the Holy Spirit enlighten lots and lots of people to attend this seminars. Mother Mary intercede to every choosen soul who will spread this good news to be strengthen by the Holy Spirit. Lets say One Our Father- Hail Mary and Glory--- till the end date of the scheduled seminars in USA.


  • 05/26: I would like to ask you to pray for my dying cousin, an atheist who has suddenly lost his consciousness on Thursday night in Poland, and underwent immediately a brain surgery because it was a ruptured aneurism. He is just 36, but still we do not know if he will be alive. For now, he is in a critical condition in the medically induced coma.I would like to ask you to pray for him, because he, as an atheist, is not ready to meet the Lord, whatever God's Will is for him. Please, pray for this poor soul who was brought up in a family full of blasphemies and hatred toward God. He needs every single prayer possible!


  • 05/24: I pray for world peace to be fully realized now, and for this peace to last forever after, and I ask for all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.Dear fellow friends of Our Lady, please pray for this prayer request and please share it with everyone everywhere! Thank you! With Love, L.S.


  • 05/15: I have a wicked friend, who is blaspheming God very often. Please pray a lot for him that he will change and return to his God.


  • 05/11:  "Jesus and Mary, I believe your great love for these sex slaves and prostitutes.  Have mercy on the sex slaves… please save these sex slaves  and prostitutes and free them from evil people. Help them to approach right people so that they will be helped and protected. O Lord , hear us. Amen"


  • Please pray that my Husband, Daughter & my Family members turn to our Lord and open there hearts to his love & redemption. Thank You.


  • 05/09: Please pray for my 12year old daughter Pia and for all 800 pupils on her Grammar school. A female teacher made esoteric/energetic healing during the sport- and history-lessons for many years. She didn´t inform the parents about the dangerous healing-methods she used nearly daily to heal the children or to calm down whole classes and to give them "cosmic energy". Next week we will speak with the school-leader. We hope that he will understand us and will immediately forbid her to continue her dangerous healing-practices. THANK you for your valuable prayer for our attacked children!!!



05/08: testimony:

"Power of  intercessory prayers

On 6/4/2013 we shifted to our house (managed to complete 90% of the ground floor)

On 19/4/2013 we sold my land

For the last 2 months my 5 year daughter lives without medicine 

We have received hope and lot of blessings after I start to request prayer 

  • Keep our family in your prayers,
  • The interview of my daughter to the grade one admission on 16/05/2013 - please pray for that "   



  • 05/08: i am M.J.. i have a prayer request, i am a member of a prayer group called Jesus Youth. we are planning to conduct a prayer gathering from june 1st to june 3rd in christchurch,nz. we need your prayers for the God's blessings all through the programme.


  • 05/07: Please pray for my niece Brie-anne who has an illness. She is 15 years old


  • 05/03: Thank you for praying with us daily for recovery!Recovery is very slow! Never the less,We continue to hold on in faith and hope despite the pain,financial hardships and other ongoing sorrows! At the same time trying to recover from the loss of our only son! Please if possible?Can you continue to include my wife and I in your daily prayers for God's Healing,Protecting Peace & Hope in our Broken Hearts and Lives made harder by Severe Financial Misery? Please keep us in your daily prayers for the long term?


April 2013


  • 04/25: a male member asks for our prayer so that his manager will give him the time off for his pilgrimage to Medjugorje next Summer. He just paid off his ticket for Medjugorje.
  • He also asks for prayer for:
  • Please  pray for my cousin, Frank, who passed away at age 64. That is the same age my father passed away.
  • Please also I commit to the prayergroup my friends, Paul and Rita for conversion to the Catholic faith and for Rita's health. (She is on oxygen),Thank you!


  • 04/16: Please pray for the 17 y. old Florian and his family. He has been missing since March 10. He is a good pupil and a loving son hence his desperate parents are rather sure that he is a victim of a violent crime and they asked for help for finding him.


  • 04/14: Pray for Amila one of my friend. He is going through lot of difficulties in his private and office life .his baby (2 years) suffering from an unidentified sickness.
  • Pray that my child get a good school for grade 1 .There is a huge competition to enroll to a catholic school even we are catholic
  • Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy 
  • Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. Pray for unhealthiness in my mind
  • Pray for my sister (she is divorced) for her future
  • Pray my wife brother .he is without a job for some time


  • Please pray for Jerry. He has cancer but he seems to be on the way to recovery. Please, pray for his completely healing.  Many thanks!


  • 04/12:  Please continue prayers for Gavin who is 5 years old.  His condition is very grave.  thank you.


  •  April 10:  Please pray for a young boy, 5 years old, Gavin. He  went into cardiac arrest and is getting airlifted to a local children's hospital. His mother said the situation is very grave so prayers are very much appreciated.


  • Because of North Korea's scheduled nuclear test on Wednesday, our parish is conducting a continuous chain of prayer tomorrow, April 9, Tuesday. We are praying the Divine Mercy chaplet from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening. We are in the Philippines so our timezone is GMT+8. Please join your prayers to ours.


  • 04/07: Please pray for my husband his initial is IPA. He has encounter Jesus many times. Has received a lot of miracles (...) But until now he still can not believe Jesus is the son of God. He tried hard to follow to church and pray but he always going back to his religion. He is so afraid of his religion because according to his religion if he ever change religion he will burn in hell. (...) Even though he has to cover him self because Christian is minority in my country.Thank you.


  • 04/04: I just wanted to let you know, that my Dad is back home again and well, thank you for your prayers, thank you God. 


  • Please pray for my son and his family as they have no time for church because of studies, a baby, and a toddler. Thank you.


March 2013
  • ! March 2013: Please pray daily for protection for all priests who defend the Warning-messages and also for Maria Divine Mercy. We were informed, also from priests from different continents, that they currently endure painful attacks and presecution from warning-opponents and other clercs.


  • 03/28: I Request you to pray For the goodhealth of my Parents & my Sister who is elder that me not willing to get married and want to live a Holy life  as my mom is against her in remaining a spinster and not letting her become a nuns. due to which i would bought to a halt in getting married as i am already in relationship and my partner wants to get engage fast as his age is running by. Please pray that i may be bought more closer to God & always Remember him in all good and bad times.


  • 03/27: Please pray for my Mother. Ask Lord God the Father to heal my Mother who is in hospital and very ill at this time. Thank you for your prayers.


  • 03/25: Please pray for my mother Winifred, who is 89 and has cancer that she will be healed.  Her youngest daughter will be able to visit her freely with her family.
  • Please pray that we will find more time for prayer as a family and that all of us will experience God's love in our hearts. Thank you. May God bless you.


  • 03/24: "I finally found love, even though I have been alone for 12yrs, but he’s in the other side of the world and we both can’t seem to get our complicate relationship to become uncomplicated. Please Lord brings "N." to me somehow, we need to end this trails and start a beginning of a new life, after a year of waiting. "


  • 03/23: Please pray for my dad, he was hit by a car when he was bicycling on his way home. He is currently in hospital.I don't want to lose my dad, please pray for him. 


  • 03/21: I have receive lot of graces through your intercessory prayer .I take this opportunity to thank GOD and you and wish to inform that all of you in my daily prayers. I have been transfer with the promotion to new branch with effect from 17/12/2012.
  • Pray for guidance, protection and blessing to do my responsibilities.Few prospective buyers have come forward to purchase the property. Pray one will materialize.Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy. Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. Pray for unhealthiness in my mind. PRAY FOR Akki,nangi and family ,mother and aunty. Pray for my wife’s family. The issues I am going through regarding my new house. Pray that my daughter get well soon from her sickness. My exam is on 30th march ,please pray for that


  • 03/20: Please pray for my mum Elizabeth, who is in her 89th year, she has cancer, please pray for a peaceful death, and that she may enter the kingdom of heaven and with all the Angels and Saints


  • 03/20: please pray with us for a open job for my spouse in the mainland
  • we are looking for a place to move here a home (the familiy need a new home until the end of March)
  • also we pray for peace in our family…. protection
  • freedom adn deliverance for eter and family
  • 03/18: We ask you for your prayer for the healing of the daughter of a female volunteer in the Warning-apostolate. She had to bring her to the doctor today. Thank you!


  • 03/17: Please pray for my family Saad, Nada, Ryan, Andrew, and Christen
  • 03/15: request for my family: I am requesting that my mom after life believing
  • but higher power believing boyfriend to be converted to a believer,
  • and for my daughter and myself for me to be able to guide her correctly and pray with her guide her toward God,
  • for my boyfriends kids to be lead to God, my sister to be brought back to God and. my neighbor and kids to be brought to God....thanks.


  • 03.12: Please pray for my husband "J." and all those who suffer from addictions, that they may be free. I also pray that he  comes to know God's love so that he may unburden his soul from the guilt of sins that he thinks he cannot be forgiven for. Thank you and may our prayer groups continue to grow for the salvation of souls!


  • 03.09.: Please pray for Bevinda, who is very sick in ICU. Please pray that Jesus may heal her completely and make her strong in body, mind and spirit.
  • 03.08: Please pray for our children who live aboard and may they find catholic priests after receiving the Great warning .  O Lord of Great Divine Mercy, have mercy on our children, have pity on us and our children. Thank you for hearing us. amen


  • 03/06: I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my fam and I came down here to united kingdom for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed,all cash,credit card and mobile phone were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves few hrs from now but the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills.
February 2013
  • a Malaysian member asks us for our prayer for his  personal call, his work and for his financial situation. Furthermore for a move in the capital city.


  • 02/27: I believe in the POWER OF PRAYER and am asking for your humble prayer to please include my mother, "C. L." GABUCO who has a cyst on her breast.   She is  scheduled for operation but I truly believe that God our Father will heal her in Jesus Name! Please pray for her!!! thank you so much. God bless us all


  • 02/26: Please pray for my son, "A."; he is now 18 years old, and I will not need to pay support anymore...but I've not seen him in over 10 years...and it is not my fault. I pray every day the Crusade prayer to keep him safe.


  • 02/24: Please ask prayer warriors to pray for Lawrence who is having great difficulty with his lungs, low immunity and depression. Pray too that he can get healing / treatment soon as it is becoming very hard to access healthcare due to chaotic system. Doctor Jesus I put him into your love and care.
  • Pray earnestly for Frank. He is very severely depressed (bi-polar) and has addiction to drugs and alcohol.
  • Pray for his poor mother and family who are terribly worried about him as he already tried to commit suicide before. I ask you Lord to take them into your sacred heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary your mother. I ask that he may be given strength and courage through your holy spirit and that he will not reject  his  family when they come to help.
  • Thanks to all who prayed for my mother who was ill. This prayer request was indeed answered and I thank God the Most High for healing of lungs and abdomin recieved through all intercessory prayers. May God be always praised, blessed, loved and adored...  and may he bless all prayer warriors as we go forth.


  • 02/23: we ask you for prayer for the sister of the deceased Bjorn (prayer request February 21st). May Our Merciful Father in Heaven give her the grace of faith and please, pray also for the pregnant and shocked "E.". She found the dead body of Bjorn.


  • 02/22: a member asks for our prayer for her leg and her back. She has terrible pain and cannot walk.


  • 02/21: We ask you for urgent prayer for the daughter of a member. Two days ago, she had a surgery during her pregnancy (gall-bladder). Now she is again in hospital. She has breathing problems and cannot speak. Her unborn baby (only 14 weeks old) is still alive. Thank you for your prayer for mother and child




  • 02/17: Dear brothers & sisters in Christ, please pray for my Dad who is sick and the rest of my family members thankyou. T


  • Please, pray for my beloved three brothers (42, 38, 27). All three had a very deep faith because of our pious parents but all three lost their Catholic faith after or during their  studies. Now all three have mental problems and depressions and two aren´t able to work. One of them has also a drug dependence because he cannot sleep without them since many years. My second brother has always migraine and lost his great humor and the youngest one has much anxieties and trusts no political system. I think all three suffer because they lost their great love for God they had during their childhood and teenager-time. Please, help me and my parents to safe their souls! THANK YOU!


  • 02/17: a very suffering member wrote:  "I have received the Holy Spirit and cannot become lost (John 10), but I'm also severely possessed and hit hard by other curses, and I am blaspheming very seriously for years against the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. I am unable to stop. My only wish that I want to achieve with your help, is to do the will of God and Mary, which They have for me, Their perfect will, as far as possible, however that would be. The Holy Trinity is heavily offended and angry with me, and it would also have to be appeased Their wrath."


  • 02/16: a concerned grandpa asks us for our urgent prayer for his little grandson. He is very ill, weak heart, poor blood values and diarrhea. Thank you for our help!


  • 02/16: Please pray for my son Jose Baldó, who had to undergo minor surgery on his right knee due to a falling at school


  • 02/14: a female member would like to form a Jesus-to-Mankind-prayer-group and she ask us for our prayer so that her priest in her parish will allow and her prayer group to pray in the church before the Holy Sacrament.


  • 02/12: a member asks for our prayer for a friend (J.S.)


  • I have receive lot of graces through your intercessory prayer .I take this opportunity to thank GOD and you and wish to inform that all of you in my daily prayers.I have been transfer with the promotion to new branch with effect from 17/12/2012. Pray for guidance, protection and blessing to do my responsibilities. Few prospective buyers have come forward to purchase the property. Pray one will materialize.
  • Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy 
  • Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. Pray for unhealthiness in my mind
  • PRAY FOR Akki,nangi and family ,mother and aunty  .my sisters  confinement  (2nd child) in this month pray for safe delivery of her child
  • Pray for my wife’s family
  • The issues I am going through regarding my new house


  • 02/11: Please pray for healing for Ed, Betty, Carol, Barbara, Emma, Charlie, Nick, Mary, and all in need of healing, in accordance with God's Will.
  • 02/10: For my Father in law who has Cancer a second time after major surgery
  • For me to be permanently hired where I work seasonally especially in  the education department (large museum)


  • 02/06: Please pray for my son  deep healing of all fear, depression, loss of self esteem, addiction to the net, gut problems, isolation, and hopelessness.
  • Please pray for miracle healings for me, bone pain, migraines lack of sleep left ankle injury and strength to cope.
  • Please pray for peace for us.  Thank you
January 2013
  • 01/31: We ask you for your prayer for the husband of a translator in the Warning-apostolate. He has tomorrow (02/01) his second surgery (cataract). Thank you!


  • 01/31: Please, let us pray together for the international network for regional prayer groups. That it will be set up as soon as possible. May the Holy Spirit help us to be able to reach every prayer group and warning-follower in every country.
  • 01/22: a member asks for prayer: "... for Janice, 73. Her son does not talk to her at all and this makes her very unhappy."
  • Please pray for healing for all suffering souls, in accordance with God's Will.  Thank you.
  • Please, let us pray for Australia that Our Merciful Father in Heaven ends the terrible heat-wave. May He extinguish all fires.


  • 01/21:   A female member asks us for our prayer for a young woman. She conceived her first son (3,5 y. old) after 4 years of waiting for a baby. Now, she asked for prayer for another baby for whom she longing for.
  • She asks also for our prayer for the grand-child of a friend. He is 14 y. old and stays from birth in a wheelchair, there is no possibility of contact with him, but he understands this what it is being said to him. Please, include his family in your prayer - Thank you!
  • we ask you for your prayer for a pregnant  mother  ( she is in the 2nd or 3rd month). She isn´t able to eat because she needs urgently a gallbladder-surgery. If she cannot eat more during the next days/weeks, she will have the surgery during the pregnancy. Please, pray also for her conversion and that she receives the grace to pray for her unborn baby and her little son, too.
  • 01/15: a female member asks us for our prayer for her and her family ( for the living and the dead, for the health of the family, the conversion of sinners in the family ), especially she would like to meet someone with whom she could establish her ​​family


  • 01/14: I’ve ending my business partnership in the business and I am jobless now. I’ve discerned and listen to God’s voice. (...)  Please pray and intercede for my following:
  • Breakthrough into a suitable or God’s chosen job for me for one year with desire income and time flexibility and prepare a capital and learning the skills needed for the new venture
  • Breakthrough, success, blessings and protection from our Lord that the new venture will set up by next year.
  •   I humbly urge you all to please please pray for me. It is 2 years in this situation. I am completely mentally & physically fed up with my husband's affair.  (...) I am helpless. His mother & my husband both gives continuous mental torture to me. He do not confess his sin.He is a liar. I have one kid. I have hide my identity. I have no family support. ONLY JESUS IS ON MY SIDE.
  • 01/14: Thank you for all of your prayer. With your prayer support on me, my prayers have been heard by God. Thank you and thanks to God. Dear brother and my sister in Jesus Christ please pray for me and my family and hope that this year will place great blessing in my family. Amen.


  • 01/09: We ask you for your prayer for a young priest. He has cancer and has to clean restaurants because of an unproven accusation of a single person.
  • 01/07: please pray for the healing of my dog Snowball's hind leg so that he can walk again. And pls pray for the healing of his ear too. Thank you.
  • 01/04/2013: Dear Prayer Warriors,please pray for following intentions:
1) conversion and Divine help for woman who has appointment for abortion on January 11.
2) Divine healing and God's help with all problems for Theresa, who terribly injured her hand.
3) Divine healing, holiness and God's help for Helena and Alfons - elderly couple who recently was taken from their home to nursing home.
4) Divine healing and God's help for Robert who is in critical condition because of cancer. He has 5 young children. Also pray for all family.
5) Divine healing for very young man Tomek who has serious problems with the skin of his hands.
  • 01/03/2013:  "Please pray for my daughter aged 13  and ask Jesus to find nice and lovely friends for my daughter so that she will be happy at her school and outside school. O lord, thank you for hearing my prayers. amen"


  • 01/03/2013: a second mother asked us for our  prayer for her teenager-daughters: Please pray for my thirteen year old daughter to recover fully from anorexia and also my other sixteen year old daughter who has anxiety and panic attacks. God Bless and a Happy New Year,
December 2012
  • 12/28: Please remember my mother in your masses and prayers. I pray dear Lord that her collapsed lung will be healed for you can do all things in the will of your Father. I pray that the infection in the abdomin will be cured. Please God help her to breath without difficulty. Help all doctors to be as gentle and kind as you are dear Jesus! Lord hear all of our prayers. Take them into your sacred heart and bring them to the throne of God the Father, God the Most High. Amen.
  • 12/22: Please include particularly Maria Divine Mercy and all true prophets and their families in your prayers during the Chrismas days. THANK YOU!
  • 12/22: Please pray for our Pope Benedict XVI. May God protect him and give him the gift of health
  • 12/22: Let us pray for the young and brave Fr. Luke who is priest in Newtown. He is only <2 years into his priesthood.
  • 17/12: This is a prayer request for David’s wife Jennifer who was hit by an automobile, has been unconscious for 2 weeks, extent of brain damage is unknown.  Please ask God to give David strength and courage going through this and to heal his wife.  J.


  • 12/12: Thank you for praying for PSM. His work pass has been approved. Thank you for all the prayers. God bless you.


  • 12/07: Please pray for PSM that his work pass will be approved so that he will not lose his job. Thank you.
  • 12/06:  I ask GOD to protect my son E. and the family and friends! O Mother of God become us holy and good and friendly one for another! O Mother pray for each person, that we are waiting in praying for JESUS-CHRIST!!

      Bless Hunter Tylo and her children and family and friends and that she will known "The Warning Message"!! O GOD, YOU LOVE HER SO DEARLY! THANK YOU MOTHER MARY!

  • 12/06: Please pray for Arthuurtje, a little baby with Syndrome of Down, who is very sick and lay in hospital! And also for his parents! (...) MOTHER OF JESUS PROTECT THIS LITTLE ONE AND SAVE HIM!!


  • I have receive lot of graces through your intercessory prayer .I  take this opportunity to thank GOD and you and wish to inform that all of you in my daily prayers.
  • I have been transfer with the promotion to new branch with effect from 17/12/2012. Pray for guidance, protection and blessing to do my responsibilities.
  • We are hoping to shift to our new house in December 1st week even though the full construction is not completed.
  • Few prospective buyers have come forward to purchase the property. Pray one will materialize.
  • Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy
  • Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. Pray for unhealthiness in my mind
  • My sister also got a transfer, pray for her future


November 2012:

  • 11/28: a young couple asks us for our prayer: "... to be good parents and guardians . In fact, recently we found out that we expecting a baby so we recommend to your prayers."


  • 11/25: Please pray that I grow in closer union with God through a more disciplined life of prayer, sacrifice, fasting, and charity.  Please also pray that I am able to begin a weekly prayer group in my local community, and that God removes all obstacles to this goal.  Thank you
  • 11.23: Dearest my sister and brother in the name of Jesus Christ. Please pray for me in very special way as I intense need help in my financial problem.


  • Please pray that all harm made by my ennemies goes to their lives. Please pray that all harm done to me is converted into abundant and intense graces and benedictions an that they double  the curses and charms. Please pay for all my intentions. Thanks


  • 11.21: "Today my mother returned to Confession and the Holy Eucharist after about 35-40 years being away from the Sacraments. Please thank Jesus and Mary for this grace and pray that she will persevere in Monthly Confession and frequent reception of the Eucharist." 


  • 11.17: Please pray for me in a very special way that I currently facing a broken relationship with my best friend by the name of Seth. Please do pray that God in His divine love grant me and Seth healing so that we will built a good relationship and friendship again.


  • Please pray for IC and LR and their relationship. Please pray that LR becomes faithful to IC. Please pray for LR to stop cheating on IC. Please pray for LR's other women to depart. Please pray for the strength of their relationship and that they may rekindle their love. Please pray that they may never be separated again. Thank you.
  • 11/12: I am desperately need help in my financial problem. With your prayer support on me, may God Jesus Christ help me to solve my financial problem. Thank you and God Bless Us all. Amen


  • 11/09: Please pray for the soul of Fr. Petar Vlasic (74) who died yesterday. He was priest in Medjugorje for several years.


  • Please pray for my daughter who doesn't believe in God & my granddaughter who is agnostic.


  • 11/09: Kindly pray for all my intentions.Especially for my healing of blood sugar,weakness of my body,knee pain,constipation and other physical sickness which I have . Pray to solve all my financial problems and to get my share of my father's property.Also for a very good job. For protection from my enemies. For guidance in my relation  with Baby, Moidu and TNK and Ajith.For my deliverance from bondages and afflictions,powers of darkness,evil spirits and curses.
  • Please pray For the souls of my mother and father,my grand parents,my god father,my ancestors and my child who was aborted.Also for the souls of all people died in my family.
  • 11/09: Father, heal my teeth, gums, front loose tooth.
  • 11/09: pray for my mum who died Monday,
  • help whisper my mums Cat,
  • father I feel so sad , so bad, i hope  she died well. give me wisdom to do best for family.
  • help me with alcohol, hurting me. In Jesus Marvellous Name,


  • 11/08: Please pray for my daughter’s best friend, who tried to kill herself last Sunday. Beg Jesus to free her from demons and lead her to his heart of pure love. O lord hear us amen.


  • 11/05: that the right president will be elected in America tomorrow,  a president who  protects the unborn live and who represents the true christian values.


  • Please pray intensely that all true visionaries and true messages  be protected and be kept from the influences of satan, who is very active these days because of the prayers to save the sinners from the fires of hell.


  • 11/04: Please pray that C.W. will forgive my impatience and faults and I am sincerely correct my faults and change. Please pray that she will sees my true heart and true love for her.


  • 11/04: a female member asks us for our prayer for  a little boy. His name is LUKE. His brain is swollen and they do not know what it is a reason.


  •  a female member asks for our prayer because she would like to go to the apparition of Our Lady when the visionary Marija from Medjugorje will be in the USA ( November 15th,  2012).


  • 11/02: Please, pray for all Poor Souls in the Purgatory ( for example: Chaplet of St. Gertrude - Save 50.000 souls from purgatory ---> Submissions
October 2012:
  • 10/30: please pray for the people in the path of hurricane sandy. May God be with them. Amen


  • I just had my back surgery when I walk I get pain I need prayer, I have MRI  (1st prayer request was published: November -1- 2012)




  • 10/27: Please (...) pray for me as I have an ear infection in both ears which has been chronic and has been interfering with my hearing.
  • Also that I may do well at work and not lose my job
  • and also to stop needless worry and be free of the attacks of the evil one.


  • 10/26: Please pray for Balan, he got a heart attack and he is in the hospital.  Please pray for his complete healing of body, mind and spirit and also pray for his family strength, peace and also wisdom to take the right decisions.  For the Drs. and hospital staff to give the right treatment and care necessary.


  • 10/26: please pray for my mums broken ribs, 3 inches above waist.In Jesus Name.




  •      10/23:Please pray for Carol Ann, who is just diagnosed with advanced melanoma. On Friday, she is going to see a Cancer specialist. Please pray for her healing of body and soul. Carol Ann is required- her daughter is 13 and has special needs, and the other daughter is 7. She helps her husband to run the family business.


  • 10/22: Please pray for me and my family to be free of any evil influence and/or mental illnesses or obsessions or possessions. Call on St Michael please to keep us safe from all evil and to quit testing evil. Amen. And Call on the Precious Blood of Jesus. D
  • 10/22: Please pray and ask the prayer group to pray for my possible vocation to the priesthood. I have a very low self esteem and self confidence. But I am praying over entering Fr Jean-Marie's community or another one in Canada. Please pray that God's Will and only God's Will be done and that I will entust my will to Jesus in all things and overcome self-will and self-centeredness.


  • Please also ask the prayer group to pray for my friend William who is in prison, and worse, could be innocent...I am not sure if he is guilty or not.
  • 10/19: a member from Argentina wrote us: "We ask for prayer for our loved homeland Argentinia, specially for the Priests and Bishops of our country, to hear the voice of God and obey Him. We ask you for Holy Masses and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and to pray to St. Faustina to St. Michael,the Archangel, and to all the patron saints of this prayer group, that they help us through their intercession, because it is very urgent and necessary. God will bless you greatly, thanks and blessings to all" E.C.




  • 10/15: An italian member ask us to pray for Sr. Giuseppina who is also a member of our international prayer group.


  • 10/15: Please pray for me:  I am desperate. Please beg God to heal and save my marriage. Please pray  that my husband does not leave me and follow through on his threat to divorce me and leave the church so he can date other women.. We have been married for 39yrs. I have no job. Please also pray for my daughter and her problems.Thank you for your kind prayers. God's will be done.
  • 10/12: "please forgive me father as I am a sinner and need your mercy.  My husband soul needs to be saved.  He is very mean to me and opinionated.  He has poisoned my children minds against me (...)  I need prayers for the conversion of my husband and all my five children especially does living in sin.  My third child Susan hates me.  Please help me."


  • 10/11: On September 16, I requested prayer for healing for my friend Barbara.  Please continue your prayers as she heals after surgery.  
  • I would like to also request prayer for healing and spiritual support for Raphael and his family.Thank you for your prayers.  Jesus I trust in You.  Thank you God for all our gifts.


  • 10/09: We ask you for urgent prayer for a young mother. She is being kept artificially alive because she had complications after the birth of her 3rd child two days ago. The family is very poor and her husband has no job. Their elder children are  4 and 2 years old.
  • 10/10: Today is the furnial of the young mother. Let us pray for her family and praticularly for her 3 little children.


  • 10/08: We ask you to pray for a priest who has many problems. May the Holy Spirit show him the Holy Truth.


  • an irish member wrote us: "The  report  from  Government's self-styled  "expert  group"  is now  overdue and so  we expect  to  have  it  out  any  day  (very  soon).  There  is  only  one  pro-life  person  on  their  so  called  "expert  group"  and  she  is  trying  hard  to  make  her  voice  heard  before  the  final  presentation.  God  only  knows  what  they  will  say  but  it  is  going  to  be  a massive  struggle  between  our  pro-life  majority  and  the  minority who are pro-choice  and many  of  whom unfortunately sit  in Government  power.  I  am  asking  EVERYBODY  to  please  please re-double  their  prayer  efforts  at  this  torturous  time  to  stop  the powers  that  be  from finally  LEGALISING  ABORTION  in  IRELAND."


  • 10/08: Please add my husband Mark to your prayers. He is very depressed and has lost his faith. Demons are having a heyday with him. Please add Mark to your crusade prayer intentions. Thank you!


  • 10/07: Today is our 1st birthday of our Internet Prayer Group. Please, let us pray thankfully for all our 65 priests and all realtives of our members.
  • Let us also pray for all true (endtime) prophets. May the Holy Spirit strengthen them in their important mission.


  • 10/05: Please pray for a young US-american priest who disappeared in Greece. Maybe he was kidnapped.


  • 10/01: Please pray for the reconciliation of my marriage and family.


September 2012:
  • 09/24: Please pray for my cousin karen (34) who is very ill with cancer, that she may be healed in body, mind and spirit. Please pray also for her conversion, as she is a lapsed Catholic.


  • 09/23: Pray for my 4 years girl she is having a cough for some times. Doctor’s suspect that the symptoms ‘are an allergic. Doctors gave an inhaler 1 1/2 year back and stop .now they are going to prescribe it again.     
  • Pray for my sister’s son (6 years) .he also under medication for 4 years
  • My wife when through lot of health problems after pregnancy, pray for her healthiness
  • I did my  exam on 23 /09/2012 .please pray for good results  
  • Pray for the grace/power and strength from God to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. pray for unhealthiness in my mind


  • 09/22:  a member asks us for our prayer. He wrote: "... my kidneys weren't working this morning. I had this problem since 2001. Thank you, K.J."
  • a member asks us: Please pray for me for a job in pharmaceutical sales.


  • 09/20: help me Lord I am in great pain and distress. In Jesus


  • 09/16: A member asks us for our prayer. She will have a back surgery on September 19th.


  • 09/16: Please pray for healing for my friend and neighbor Barbara.  Jesus we trust in You.
  • 09/14: for the restoration of the family H.S.

  • for the healing of M. eyes, please let his eyes be healthy, dear jesus heal him and all members,

  • protection for little son


  • 09/13: Pray for my 4 years girl she is having a cough for some times. Doctor’s suspect that the symptoms ‘are an allergic.
  • Pray for my sister’s son (6 years) .he also under medication for 4 years
  • My wife when through lot of health problems after pregnancy .pray for her healthiness
  • I have an exam on 23 /09/2012 .please pray for that     


  • 09/09: Dear Prayer-Warriors, Please pray for my cousin, Agnelo.  He got a heart attack and he went into a comma.  Please pray that Jesus may touch and heal him


  • 09/08: It is my greatest pleasure to write and solicit for interceding on the health of my Husband he is very down and ill suffering from  cancer of the lungs. Kindly pray with me and for him for quick recovery and good health, May almighty God support you and your families as you pray for us. (Amen) Thanks


  • Plz pray for Gordon J. who is 84 and has brain and lung cancer stage 4, also for his family. Lord Jesus thank you for being there for Gordon on his path home to You. Plz protect his soul and his family in this time of sorrow. If it is Your Devine Will please heal him is body, mind, spirit, and soul. We love you Jesus. Amen


  • 09/04: a member asks us for our prayer. She is very ill  (brain disorder)


  • 09/03: Please pray for my daughter CherIdene to be saved and for her driving licence. Thank you.


  • 09/03: "Please pray for healing for my daughter Elizabeth (42), who has metastasized renal cell carcinoma.
  • Also, please pray for conversion, or a renewal of faith, for my children, Anthony, Elizabeth, and Stella (all adults), who were raised as Catholics but no longer follow any religion or spiritual practice." 


August 2012:
  • 08/31: Please pray for Dylan (only  9  years  old)  who  is  receiving treatment  for  a  very  agressive  brain  tumour.  He  is  very  very  ill and is suffering.  He  does not eat anymore and cannot stand the  smell of food at all.
  • Pray too for his family especially his  mother and father. 
  • Pray for his grand aunt, Mary, a  lapsed catholic who refuses to say any prayers  even  for her sick  nephew  whom I know she  is worried  about.  Pray  that  she can  somehow  receive  special  graces  that  would  re-open  her  heart  to prayer,  the  will  of  God  and  a  spiritual  enlightenment  especially  for  the  sacraments  of  the  Catholic  Church  as  she  does  not  seem  to  understand  them  or  appreciate  them.  Lord  hear  all of  our  prayers.  Amen.
  • "I need prayer I am going to have third back surgery" Thank you!


  •  "Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Tadeusz Kiersztyn who died 4 hours after his car accident near Krakow on August 22, 2012."
  • and please pray also for the soul of a young priest. Fr. D. died under very sad circumstances. He committed suicide few days ago.
  • 08/30: "please pray for Craig M.. He is my friend Brian’s brother. Craig has only a few weeks to live (he has lung cancer and now pneumonia) and he has been away from the Church a long time. We are praying for his conversion and Gods Mercy for him. We are hoping he will speak to a priest and seek reconciliation very soon!"


  • Can You plz pray That Nona Kimberly cat is found safely, she has been missing since last Friday, we all know what it means to lose a love one. God Bless You all Thank You for your prayers, May Jesus always be there for you in your hour of need. Amen
  • Last night on Sep 4 , her cat returned, Thank You Jesus, Thank You all who prayed for her This is a special group.


  • 08/27! Please pray for us. We are in New Orleans and it appears that TS Isaac is taking the same track as hurricane Katrina from 7 years ago and is headed straight for us. Any prayers for our safety would be appreciated.
  • 08/29: Your prayers are working. Although most of my neighbors seen to have minor damage, We are safe and sound and have virtually no damage. We are now in the middle of the storm and it is not expected to leave this area until sometime tomorrow night. There is minor flooding where we are and I believe we are truly protected by all of the prayers. We are  on a generator at the moment. 95% of our area is without power. Thank you and everyone again.
  • Please continue to pray! Many thanks!
  • 09/02: At last report it looked like we were doing alright but the worst was yet to come. The rains were unrelenting. Water rose in the streets and surrounded our house. By late evening on the 29th, our family prayed the rosary. The water continued to rise until it reached the back door. The water stopped rising when it reached within 1 inch from coming in our house. By 1 am it finally began to recede.  In addition, virtually all of the houses around us had significant roof damage whereas we sustained a couple of loose shingles with no other damage. It was certainly a MIRACLE.Please thank all of those who prayed for us. As you can clearly see the results and the power of prayer. God Bless you all.
  • 08/27: Dear friends, please pray for the following young lady and her family. NATALIA B. has been kidnapped today in México. Her familly is devastated. They request to pray as many Hail Mary's as possible to the Lady of Guadalupe during the day for her and her family, until she returns home.
  • 08/26: For the salvation of my husband and two boys and for my family to convert back to the church and receive the sacraments frequently before the warning.
  • For a quick resolution to our marital crises and so that I will be able to continue to home school my children.
  • For the financial issues to resolve.
  • For the mental , physical , emotional, and temporal and spiritual needs of the family.
  • 08/25: Plz Pray for Pamela she will be traveling to Texas on Saturday and will be gone for 8 days, Plz  pray for her safety and for The work That God is leading her to do . Amen


  • 08/25: Please include the relationship healing of my family in your prayers and my job search.
  • 08/23: Please pray for LR that he may be faithful to IC and stop cheating on her please. Please pray that they may never breakup and never be separated again please. Thank you.
  • 08/23: Please pray for a young Polish father and his children. Few weeks ago his young wife died unexpectedly several days after the birth of their 5th children and the baby was very serious ill, too. But now he is back to health.
  • 08/23: a member wrote us: ...Please "Pray for Manga Bible KJV book outreach initiative . It is gospel centered, with salvation  section.  Pray for Impact. InJesusName"


  • 08/19: Let us pray for the souls of two priests: Fr. Tom and Fr. Boguslaw. Both died under very sad circumstances


  • 08/17: Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. pray for unhealthiness in my mind
  • Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy 



  • 08/14:  an irish member asks us for our prayer for her daughter and her friends: Please pray for Chloe and her friends will be safe in China for one year and May Our lady of China look after them and keep them safe spiritually and psychically. O lord, hear us. Amen.


  • 08/14: Please pray that God /Jesus /holy sprite & mother Mary’s  assistance, guiding, protection and blessings to complete the construction of the house and sell the property we are trying to bridge the capital requirement of the construction. There is issue regarding the blind wall plastering of the house with the neighbor
  • 08/13: I have been abandoned by my spouse and am selling my home in hopes of purchasing a modest property with a chapel on it.  If it be God's Will I will do so.  In my heart, even now, I am calling this chapel Our Lady of 'Lamar'.  In French it means; 'the sea', in other languages; 'the girl' and 'Mary'.
  • 08/10: A member asks us for our prayer for her family:  I have daughter she is Marina  27 please pray for her to find a life partner with GODS  BLESSINGS,my son is Sean .he is 20 and doing his Advance Level and exams has started on 6th August. my Husband is Gihan.
  • 08/06: "Dear Internet Prayer Group! Please include in your prayers the conversion of Edna Mae, Lina, and Rosemaminda as they create much problems in work. Thanks, Fr. J."


  • 08/05: Ben's Funeral  will be on  Monday, August 6th. Let us pray for his soul and for the soul of his girl-friend Gill, who died with him in the mountains of Peru 2 weeks ago. (--->prayer request from July 27th 2012)
  • 08/05: a member asks us for our prayer for a priest you helped to found a new prayer group for America (  For those who want to respond to the call ) :"... in thanksgiving to Father Thomas, for everything he did."
  • 08/02: Pray for amila’s sick one year old child .Be with them in there difficulties

Problem in the office

Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. pray for unhealthiness in my mind

Thanks to Jesus, we start the constructing our house after lot of problems. We used our savings and expect it to sell one of my properties to complete the houseplease pray for that

I just completed 12 months in my new appointment .pray for guidance, protection and blessing to do my responsibilities. Due to my promotion i will get a new place .let it be, according to god’s will

Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy

My sister is divorced. The marriage is nullified by the church .pray for her future.

Pray for surani,rangika,suranga,thikshana,Annette, rita,shanthi,shamarl ,sureshi,asitha ,Amaya and surangar,suranger’s mother &father

Pray for amma,thartha,swendi,malsha &sudesha



July 2012

07/31: a female member wrote us:
  • Please pray that we maybe able to get into our home soon. I have been ill from Mold in my home. We have not been living in the house since 2011. We are in a apartment and the insurance company will not pay for repairs of mold.
  • We are in financial strain, husband may lose job. Two sons need a job.
  • I have had osteomyelitis in my mouth. We thought was healed after I had PICC line inserted for IV antibiotics for 4 weeks. It came back yesterday. They tell me my immunity is low due to mold exposure. The Dr's don't know why I am not healing. I have a 11 y.o daughter to take care of as well and watches her mother in bed and cannot do all the things other mothers do.


  • 07/31: Please, let us pray for a male member who mailed us that he is very often extremely confused and he means that he is possessed. He wrote:  "Please pray that I get the necessary grace from our Heavenly Father to always believe in Him and to do always His will and that of Mary. Please pray for my reconciliation with the Father and my conversion, as far as that is still possible. Pray that the Father releases me from His judgments and will not impose any trials that are too difficult for me."


  • 07/30: Let us pray for all priests particularly for Fr. "A.", that the Holy Spirit will show them the Holy Truth.


  • a couple asks us to pray for: Slow Recovery from the Death of Our Only Son Jason & Other Ongoing Sorrows Dear Community of Prayer, My wife and I want to thank all of you for all your daily prayers in our long dark night of the soul that has gone on for years! We want to thank you for your patience with us as we continue to drone on and on in pleading to God for His Mercy & Peace in our lives and others like our selves who are suffering! It seems like we are entering very dark time in Human History! And God is allowing all this pain and sorrow of the loss of our only son and other ongoing hardships and sorrows to get us to cry out for His Mercy and Peace! Not just our own personal pain but the connection we are all feeling to the created order! THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES OVER!
  • 07/29:  a female member wrote us: "I would like to send this URGENT reminder to all  prayer warriors worldwide  to please please remember to pray earnestly to stop the threat of LEGALISED ABORTION in IRELAND. Most people in Ireland are against abortion but there is a very evil pro-abortion / pro-choice campaign underway which is trying to convince everybody that “when a mother’s life is in danger that abortion may be necessary.” More information and special prayers: ---> Please pray to stop the threat of LEGALISED ABORTION in IRELAND..docx (22,4 kB)
  • 07/29: We ask you for your prayer for Ben and Gill (prayer request 07/26): They found Ben and Gil's bodies in the mountains of Peru.  Evidently they slip off a cliff and took a long fall.  They say they died instantly and probably did not suffer.  Their bodies will be sent home. Let us also pray for their grieving families.
  • 07/26: Please pray for, Ben H., Chris H.'s Son.  He and his friend Gill were climbing in the mountains of Lima, Peru.They were due back 5 days ago and no word has been heard from them.They are sending out search parties and are doing satellite searches at this time.Time is of the essence as their supplies at this time must be very low.  Needless to say the family are all very, very distraught.  
  • 07/24: Ô My Dear Mother of Salvation, I pray to you that you take care of my beloved son Yoachim who will have a surgery on his back this coming Thursday. Yoachim is not feeling well at the moment, not only because of his back but also because his fiancee sadly split with him a few days ago and he cannot overcome his sorrows. Please, dear Mother from Heaven, pray for him that he can get through and does open his heart to our Mercyful Lord. Amen


  • 07/22: a member wrote us: "please pray for LR and IC that they may never breakup and never be separated ever again. please pray for them to have a loving and faithful relationship with each other. and please pray for their employment and health. thank you."
  • 07/20: a member asks us for our prayer for his son: " My son Pio committed a suicide attempt cutting his own wrist last Monday afternoon. We will try to have him undergo mental treatment as well as physical cure. Your prayer for him will be greatly appreciated."
  • 07/18: a member asks us: Please pray for my sister Amber who is in desperate need of a job


  • 07/13: a member asks us for our prayer: Please God, bring my children back to the Catholic faith, and have my grand daughter baptized.
  • 07/12: a male member asks us to pray for Agnes, his grandmother, age 78 who just had surgery for polyps on her coloner family hopes they were not cancerous.
  • 07/12: Let us pray for the departed soul of Jerry. He has died so suddenly without seeing a priest and without confession. He was 57 years old. His youngest brother died few years ago. He was 44 years old.
  • Let us also pray for their grieving family-members. 
  • 07/12: a female member wrote us: Please offer in your prayers the conversion of my boyfriend Tim in order that he wishes and accepts the important sacrament of baptism. May our Lord give him a light of faith in his heart and the Holy Spirit lighten him with His gifts. Amen
07/12: a member ask us for our prayer for:
  • Problem in the office
  • Pray for the grace/power and strength from god to me to overcome my addictions/fears and sins. pray for unhealthiness in my mind
  • Thanks to Jesus, we start the constructing our house after lot of problems. We used our savings and expect it to sell one of my properties to complete the house .please pray for that
  •   I just completed 12 months in my new appointment, pray for guidance, protection and blessing to do my responsibilities. Due to my promotion i will get a new place .let it be, according to god’s will
  • Pray for my daughter, my wife and myself for the good health /peace and joy       
  •  My sister is divorced. The marriage is nullified by the church .pray for her future.
  • Pray for surani,rangika,suranga,thikshana,Annette, rita,shanthi,shamarl ,sureshi,asitha ,Amaya and Surangar
  • Pray for amma,thartha,swendi,malsha &sudesha
  • 07/08: a member asked us:  please  pray for healing my relationship, it´s long distance now, and he is afraid and confused of it. Make him not to be confused anymore, make him realize how much i love him and make me be loved by him too,  take away the pain he has from previous relationships, fill his heart with love and joy to me so we can build a family soon ....make we realize we need each other and be happy together...thanks divine mercy, amen
  • 07/07: a member wrote us: 
Father in heaven, hear my heart in teeth, find me a home, help me sexually, iplace chris is meeting in your hands, human heart heal, guide me today, enable me to cut maintenance, enable me to do company house form. in jesus is glorious marvelous name
  • 07/05: a member asks for our prayer:

Father in heaven help me with:

1. Meeting with Ian M 2. Place Project In God's hands MBTC, S/H BIBLE, GC, SOCCER B, MBK PERMISSION, SOC PERMISSION

3. My Health Danger of hurting myself 4. Tax - Complete CH Form IN JESUS NAME


a member asks us for our prayer for:
  • For Eddie who is 92 and has pneumonia
  • For Mike who had a stroke
  • For Walter - safe trip today and for Luke, Paul and Eliz, and, Ann and and all their families safe trip this weekend.


  • 07/05: a member wrote us: "...Margaret makes a prayer request for healing of bone at the site of a missing front tooth. It's been draining for years, since age 9.

  • Margaret wishes to be present and partake in the miracle of Garabandal and bring her nephew Jamie who was born with a tethered cord or some anomalee of the spinal cord that will not allow him to walk or crawl, nor develop normally. His mother and dad are expecting a new baby and the journey may be too arduous for them."


June 2012
  • 06/20: Please pray for my two daughters, (21) and (18 years old) so that they will go back to Our Holy Catholic Church soon as possible.
  • Please pray for all young people and may they open their hearts to Jesus. Amen


  • 06/16: a female member asks us: "Please pray for my sister, Miriam to get a grace to forgive others who hurt her. She must learn to forgive others or she will not get better spiritually."


  • a member asks us for our prayer that ".... my son and daughter-in-law military orders to Italy are changed and they stay close to home in the United States, as they practice no religion and fear they are not strong enough for the coming events without family close by."


  • 06/15: a member wrote us: "Please Pray For Fr Rookey he is a 95 , last week he had an operation and he is in rehab, his office don’t know when he will return to work. Praying for others is his passion. People who wish to view this Holy Man  can see him on Youtube. My Dearest Jesus , Our Lady Of Sorrows, all You angels and saints Please come to his aid, Amen."


  • 06/15: I would like to ask for your continued prayers for the restoration of my relationship with Kiko. It has been 2 months and my faith and hope live on because of your prayers.
06/13: a member asked us for our prayer for the conversion and healing of three friends:
  • Mr. Eitel is 85 years old and has terminal cancer. Piece by piece, his organs are excised. He is baptized as Protestant
  • Mr. Torsten is in his mid-30s and mentally handicapped, has difficulty in speaking. He is seriously ill with diabetes. He is attending a psychiatric day care. He is suffering very much.
  • Mr. Gerhard(...) is in his mid-40s and a true martyr. He has various mental problems and is often suddenly falling over. He finds no suitable medication. Although he is working, the everyday life is really difficult for him, and he is suffering greatly. He drinks too much.
  • 06/13: Please pray for Lumina, as she is going to have a surgery today , to remove the cancerous polyp in her colon at 7:15 am London time.  Please pray that the surgeon's hand to be guided by Jesus during this time and that she will be completely healed from cancer..  For the Drs. wisdom to treat her case, During this time in the hospital, help  her to relax and pray for the healing of her body, mind & spirit. For her,  Keep her faith strong during this time.


  • 06/11: a member asked us:  "please pray for us i and my husband are not well.
  • my Husband has a blockage in his intestines and hearing loss.
  • I had cancer and now pre cancer cells have been found..also i have degenerative bone and disc disease. I have little feeling in my left hand and my spine is very bad.
  • our daughter Michelle has lost the feeling in her right hand also and has a bad neck as do I."
  • 06/05: a male member wrote us: "Many curses have hit me, and I'm possessed severly. I'm often confused very badly. Please pray for my conversion, deliverance from all curses, and my peace"


  • 06/04: Please pray for my son and I.  A crooked lawyer is sueing us for 20000.00. He did not do the work, admitted he worked against us.  I fell 1 point short on credit to refinance so that I can file chptr 7 bankruptcy. That would stop him.  I beg your prayers to save our family and stop this horrendous torrment.


  • Please pray for Fr. Omar- he is very sick.  He has epilepsy  and he is unable to leave his room.  He was ordained about two or three years ago as a priest and now he is at home.  Medication is not helping him.  Please pray for his healing and deliverance from this terrible attack so that he may continue to do God's work.  Please pray also for his family during this difficult time


May 2012
  • a member sent us: Lets pray through the intercession of Mother Mary, all the angels and saints to intercede for all Gods children who need to repent may all the blocks which the evil presents as fear and shame vanish by the blood of Jesus and save them by the sacrament of confession. Let all the members pray for this intension daily, as prayers will save millions through the confession.


  • 05/31: a member asks us: "please pray for me and my husband to strenghthen our relationship,for his total conversion,and to rid all his bad vices.thank you"


  • 06/25: Let us pray  thankfully for the artist who makes the wonderful Seal of The Living God in many languages and for all brothers and sisters who help him. May God protect and bless them all.
  • 05/25: a female member asks us for our prayer for her husband André who will have a surgery on June 6th. THANK YOU!


  • 05/25: Let us pray for the protection of all true prophets and that the Holy Spirit will always lead and strengthen them.
  • 05/24: I would like to ask for your prayers that God may restore my relationship with "Ki.". Please ask Him to lead him back to me, to soften his heart, take away his pride and anger, and to give us another chance to serve Him together. Thank you so much for your prayers. May God grant you His mercy, too.
  • 05/22: Thank You to all for your prayers, last week Tiffany my niece had a cyst removed she is back at work, pain free, please continue to pray for her conversion. God bless this prayer group, your prayer intention  are in our hearts and daily prayers. May God always find favor in your requests.
  • 05/20: a member asks us: "Please pray for my son TC who is addicted to drugs and alcohol. Thank you!"
  • 05/18: a female member wrote us: "I pray that others will join me in praying for an INCREASE OF ADORERS  before the BLESSED SACRAMENT in all chapels and churches all over the  world. I pray that if your church or parish does not have ADORATION, then do  not hesitate to ASK PARISH PRIEST  to start so that you can ADORE  JESUS with your family and friends.  God grant you conversions and  blessed favors."
  • 05/18:"Praise be to Jesus Christ!  I love You, adore You and praise You."  Thank you for your blessings. I cry out to you to save every soul in the world.  For our Holy Pope  Benedict and his Sacred Servants. Kindly have the Holy Spirit come upon my living family with His Healing Love and strip away all the reasons that separate my family  from the sacraments of the Catholic church."


  • a member sent us: "Please pray for priests when you attend every mass, Offer One Our Father, One Hail Mary, One Glory to be for a priest when you are at Holy Mass and beg Jesus to look after him and keep his hands “Holy” always.


  • 05/17: a male member wrote us:  "I want to ask you to pray in a special way for me and my fiancée Renata because next month, by the grace of God, we want to get married ."
  • 05/17: a female member asks us for our prayer for the gift of receiving the Holy Sacraments.
  • she also asks for our prayer for the conversion of the family-members of her partner who prevented the marriage 4 years ago.  They made false witness statements at the church court in order to prevent that their son  leaves the parental home and moves far away to his faithful girl friend.  They have a little daughter and need new and honest witnesses. Than they will be able to receive the Holy Sacraments. 
  • she also asks for the healing of his family members. Both parents of her partner have cancer for two years and his first wife has MS and mental problems since her childhood.


  • 05/17: "Please pray for "Er." and "Na." that they may find love, forgiveness, unity and peace in their marriage.  Let all hurtful memories, and the talk of divorce disappear.  Instead, let them work to make the marriage stronger and even take help if required.  Pray to Mary, our Mother   that the plans of the evil one, to destroy the family may not flourish. Holy Spirit work in them at this time, so that they may take the right decisions."


  • a  members asks us for the prayer for her husband who forces the divorcing and drove her into marital crisis.  "My husband would like me to voluntarily terminate my parental rights, and force me to sign over our house and all working vehicles to him. (...)  he had turned his back on God and had given Him separation papers as well. (...) Please pray for my husband who has been spiritually blindsided by a morally bankrupt "friend" who is leading him down a path of destruction that appears to have no U-turns."


  • 05/16: a member ask us for our prayer for the conversion of her husband and that they are able to receive the Holy Sacraments this year. She also asks us for our prayer for her children that they are not affected by their father's behaviour.
  • 05/15: an US-american member (- we prayed for his deceased father -) send us all his warm greetings. He lit a candle for the intentions of all members in Medjugorje last week.


  • 05/14: Please pray for me, I'm so hopeless right now please pray for God confirmation.
  • Please pray for my daughter who is in a lesbian relationship,
  • for the conversion of my ex-husband and his girlfriend,
  • for my oldest daughter who is having a baby in the fall,
  • and for my son who had mentioned that he wanted to be a priest.  
  • Also, please pray  for a solution to a problem that has plagued me for almost two months.  I thank God to be a member of this wonderful prayer group as I feel so alone in my faith.      


  • 05/12:  Please pray for the estrangement of 2 years between my daughter and myself will stop by mother's day. Pray that we will be united with love and trust in our hearts. I know this is a tall order,what a joy it will be to have a complete loving family. Please pray for me. Dear God please answer my prayer,though Jesus Christ, your beloved son. Amen
  • 05/11: Heavenly Father, in The Name of Jesus, in Unity of The Holy Spirit, Please increase the membership of our humble prayer group, so we may better assist You, Lord God, in the conversion of lost souls, plus to loosen even more the grip that evil has on this world.Amen
  • Tomorrow (Friday) my sister in law, Victoria, is having a 6 hour surgery for double mastectomies and reconstruction due to breast cancer. Please pray that God guides the surgeon's hands and that all goes well for her. It will be at least a month recovery. 
  • For Corbin, who was in a serious accident on Sunday and is in ICU. He works with my son, Paul, and everyone at his work is very worried about him. It appears he was depressed and may have caused the accident. 
  • (For my daughter, Julia, who is driving home from Arkansas tomorrow (Friday) (19 Hours). Please pray that she will be safe and not have any car problems. 


  • For Father Sp. and all involved in the allegations against him. Psalm 7:11, Intercession of Saint John Vianney and Saint Thomas More


  • "In Thanksgiving for the graces to Arlene P., age 68, and her Baptism day before her death."  


  • 05/09: a member asks us: "Please pray for lesbian and gays, those in the new age movement. (...) Lord Jesus, Merciful God, we plead for the conversion of all those misguided souls, please save them and convert them.Amen"


  • 05/04: a member sent us:  "I humbly ask that you pray for my son who is battling satan who wishes to destroy my son and his family. There have been many battles in this war. A strong victory over satan is strongly desired. Thank you."


  • my mother had a stroke. Though recovery is important, I am more concerned about her soul. She refuses to accept her sins.  Please pray for her illumination now while she can still beg Gods mercy.
  • please help me pray for my family. Some have turned their backs, some are striving to return. Here too I ask for prayers for the illumination of my family NOW so that we can all seek absolution and forgiveness before its too late. This world is so sinful, especially the USA, we aren't even sure anymore that ARE sins!


  • 05/03: Dear Prayer Warriors,Please pray for my sister, Lumina as she has been diagnosed with colon cancer.  Tomorrow she will have C-T Scan.  Pray for wisdom, for the DRS as they meet to see the  results of the C - T  scan, and to discuss this case.  Please storm heaven for her.
  • Also keep Raquel in your prayers, a teenager, who is missing. Thanks & God bless


  • 05/02: Please pray non-stop with fasting if possible that ABORTION is not legalised in IRELAND. Please can everyone say the memorare prayer, at least one a day, as well as the special Crusade prayer (32) that Our Lady gave to Maria Devine Mercy for this intention on 17/02/2012. The time between now and July is very crucial because the Government in Ireland and our so called "expert group on abortion" are going to make the final decision on legalised abortion in Ireland. They are trying to force it on us even though our abortion ban is supported by the majority of the people. Please please remember this most worrying matter in your rosaries and prayers. Thank you so much. THE MEMORARE PRAYER.doc (32 kB)



April 2012


  • 04/30: In humble thanksgiving for answering all our prayers from February 2012 about the car accident, insurance company, and my son's Baptism at Easter. Thank you for these miracles. We only await with great joy in our heart, my husband's conversion and that of all of his family. Blessed be God! Blessed be Jesus!
  • A specific request for May, Blessed Mother, is to help us with our finances, for spiritual growth, for courage and to secure my daughter's schooling and a job for me nearby by 2013. We commit our family into your hands.


  • a member asks us for prayer:
1.) Continuous improvement and development of the services of A&E Grass-Cutting Services.
2.) Business breakthrough for A&E Grass-Cutting Services.
3.) Personal financial breakthrough and stability for Edmund Yap and I as soon as possible so that we can serve our LORD in the Church smoothly and stable.
4.) Bless my mother with successful retirement from her hairdressing business so that I can take care of her with my personal financial and business breakthrough with the graces of God and bring her conversion to Jesus Christ.
5.) Edmund and I salary breakthrough RM1000 by May, 2012 and increase on the following month.
6.) May our Lord bless me to rent a house by end of this year to stay alone and independent so that I can focus on doing God’s given calling and visions without interruption of family members and other friends. It also a platform for praise and worship Jesus and serve and care brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need or those who are in need.


  • a member asks us for our prayer for her husband who wants to make a long and exhausting journey to Europe allthough he had a heart surgery few weeks ago and is still very weak.


  • 04/27: In Thanksgiving for a special protection of Our Blessed Mother and prayers for my husband's successful procedure on heart!
  • In Thanksgiving for graces received through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother in uniting of my family!


  • 04/27: a member asks us for our prayer:  "That I will be able to find away to pay my bills to continue care of my 3 children,  (one who has been semi-comatose for 8 years now and I care for at home) and a way to save enough to make trip to Alabama in July with my children for Our Lady Queen of Peace Presence.  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you." 




  • 04/25: a female member asks us: "Please pray for the return of all fallen away Catholics to the Mass and the sacraments. God bless us all."


  • "Please pray for me who is trying to find a stable job. I feel bad that I am not employed yet and wanted to help my single mother who have worked for us ever since. thank you very much!"


  • 04/24: a male member asks us: "Please pray for the baby, grandchild of some friends of mine who was born about 12 weeks premature. I believe it is a little girl.Let us pray that she may live and bring joy to this family."


  • 04/22: a couple, members of our prayer group, asks us to continue to pray for: "Slow Recovery from the Death of Our Only Son,Other Losses & Deaths,Severe Financial Hardship,Health Issues & Other Sorrows..." THANK YOU


  • 04/21: "Prayers are needed for a young Idaho high school couple who have an abortion scheduled in Oregon for Saturday! In Oregon the parents of the mother do not need to consent for minors as in Idaho, so the mother of the young dad agreed to drive them to Oregon. The school counselor was able to persuade the girl to inform her mom; hopefully the appointment will not be kept. There is hope in this case... but the next 36 hours are critical!"


  • 04/20: Please pray for Keith from (April 20 to May 8) as he travels to the Far East and India.  Pray that he will have God's protection at all times and that  he will be able to avoid all sinful people and sinful places.  Through the intercession of Our Mother may he be set free from all the snares of the devil. Thanks & god bless,


  • 04/20: we ask you for your prayer for a young and very humble priest Fr. T. S. for a very serious concern


  • a member asks us for our prayer for her friend: "Julie has breast cancer surgery this week."  - "Oh Jesus, Healer of both, soul, mind,emotions,spirit and body, let us touch just a part of Your Holy Tassel, so that Julie may have a complete, healing. We offer you her sufferings, her body, her mind,her emotions, her spirit, and her soul, and the sufferings of her family and friends, in her support, for the lost souls here on earth. Please Lord Jesus, let this healing, bring One More Soul To God in The New Paradise. Have Your Healing Love, have Mercy on us, and help us to have repentive hearts, so we may be freed from evils grip, We adore You Jesus,Please help Your friend. Amen"


  • 04/17: Pls help me reach my monthly sales quota for work, I am very stressed and nervous that if I don't reach my quota I can be jobless. I have a 12 yr old son and trying really hard to provide for him and help my family too. Help me meet the right doctors and right clients. Thank you



  • 04/13: We ask you for your prayer for the soul of Constantia who died this week. Her furnial will be next Monday. THANK YOU!


  • 04/13: Please pray for my niece Tiffany she is in her early thirties and suffers from, Endometriosis is a female health disorder that occurs when cells from the lining of the womb (uterus) grow in other areas of the body. This can lead to pain, irregular bleeding, and problems getting pregnant (infertility), She may face surgery in a few weeks from now. We pray, Jesus My Lord, in this age of abortion, please heal Tiffany so she may bear children, we ask this for the love of children, and for the intercession of Holy Innocents , In Jesus name . Amen


  • 04/12: Please pray for the repose of the soul of my mother Josephine Cavallo who passed away earlier this afternoon from a sudden cardiac arrest.  She was 74 years old and suffered greatly her entire life, both mentally and physically, especially in the past 2 years.  Pray that our Heavenly Father, through the precious Blood of His Son, bestowed his great Mercy upon her in those last moments, and that she now rests in peace together with Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the entire Heavenly Court.


  • Let us pray for the conversion of the husband ("Ma.") of a member who will have a heart - surgery  (17th April). He does not believe in God and he does not believe in eternal life.


  • 04/11: "Please pray for my son, Anthony to get admission into a good college. Right now lots of obstacles are coming and is unable to get admission. Give him also perseverance, peace, and wisdom how to go about and to make the right decision."


  • 04/09: "Dear Lord, in the name of Jesus, pls pls protect my husband "V" from all legal problems he is facing. pls keep him safe from all harm and danger and pls dont let him face arrest or detention in these cases. Pls surround him with your divine protection. Pls pls pray that "V" is not arrested. thankyou."
  • Dear lord-pls pray that the authorities dont sieze my bank accounts. pls keep us safe from all harm and danger-this i ask in the name of lord jesus christ.amen.


  • 04/07: a female members asks us: "...please pray for the conversion of the United States of America."




  • 04/05: a member asks us for our prayer: for the life of an unborn baby boy who may be aborted tomorrow (Friday) or early next week. The baby boy is 20 weeks old and has just been diagnosed with a structural heart deformity. His mother, has been told by the doctors that his only chance of survival is immediate surgery at birth and then again at seven weeks. The doctors have done their best to convince her that it would be best to abort him in order to spare the "pain" of surgery.Tonight (Thursday) the mother is coming to Ottawa to spend time with her own mother and to make her decision. I would ask everyone who receives this mail to forward it to anyone who might pray for this little fellow and his mother.


  • Please , pray for Fr Peter Rookey, he is 95 yr , and is still active with a phone ministry, where he blesses you over the phone. please call him, he gets great joy in helping people.


  • Please Pray for Anita , she is 84yrs old in a Rest home with Altimerz for over 11 yrs now. she is declining. and bed ridden,
  • please also pray for Pamela , who has grieved for her Mother all these years, this latest illness has hit her hard, Oh Jesus and Mary whose sorrows where so great during The Passion, we lift up their suffering for them , for the lost souls Earth and in Purgatory Lord, please fill them with Your Peace, as Anita is becoming close to be called Home to You. amen


  • Please Pray for Jamie , her Baby to be born in August, she was bleeding the other night, she and the baby are fine, but they need  alot of Prayers , oh Jesus please bless this baby amen




  • Please pray for the dead and those suffering as a result of the tornadoes that struck northern Texas earlier today, and that the hand of chastisement is averted through conversion of sinners.


  • Please also pray that our nation chooses a candidate that adheres to Catholic principals on social and economic justice and is faithful to the Constitution.


  • Please also continue to pray for my mother (sick with COPD), my wife and my children, and for my special intention.  



  • K.K. asks us for our prayer for her brother Andrew. Yesterday he died suddenly on heart attack. He was 57, for a long time a fallen away Catholic.


  • a female member asks us: Please pray for a personal special intention for myself. thank you 


  • 04/01: a member asks us  our prayer for Joyce She has had two boughs of cancer in the past.  Spots were recently discovered on her liver now, and she may have had a sight stroke.
  • and she also asks for our prayer for her aunt. She is nearly 100 years old.

March 2012

  • 03/31: a female member asks us to pray  for dying Constantia, her friend Margaret with cancer and mental problems, and Fr. "A." that the Holy Spirit touches his heart and will show him the truth


  • 03/29:a member sent us: Please... pray for the healing of  my back pain, thru the intecession of saint therese saint gemma ,pray for us . Sacred Heart of JESUS ,HAVE MERCY ON US, IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY PRAY FOR US SINNERS. "D."


  • 03/28: "Please pray for the conversion of my husband "De." and son in law, "Da.", especially and protection from fear,  heresy, confusion and pride for all of our family and friends. May we all trust God and love our neighbor in humility."


  • "Please Pray for Baby Michael 6 days he has problems breathing.  Jesus help us we love you thank you." His family sent us the following Prayer: ---> Prayer for little Michael.doc (31 kB)


  • 03/27: "Please pray for sister Trang's Mother she is in coma"


  • It is about both of my parents, Heinz (76) and Wilma (78) Hildebrandt. My father is very ill, and he has diabetes, type 2, and is insulin-dependent. It has developed with him a rare, life-threatening insulin resistance, which reduces the effect of insulin. His body is already storing very much insulin and would not digest it. His sugar levels are very poor. He also suffers from obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The death is imminent. I do not know if he has one more year.
  • He is baptized as a Protestant, my mother is not baptized. Both parents are rejecting God.
  •  I suffer from a little brain damage, which has impact on my thinking, memory and emotions; also from high blood pressure, kidney damage, damaged liver. In a recently-built ECG, two flat lines were measured. I strongly fear for having a life-threatening internal injury, probably an abdominal aortic aneurysm, ie a life-threatening tear of the aorta.


  • Please Pray for a job for Billy, who goes for a teachers interview on March 27. He is married plus a father of 2. Thank you God Bless You, all of you are in my prayers. I am comfortable that all of you pray for me and my daily intentions.. Praise be Jesus. 
  • Jesus please keep the Pope safe during his travels according to Your Holy Will.please thwart  evils plans.


  • 03/25: For the deep and true conversion of the heart of Jose Mario whom I love dearly and that we will be guided down the right God-given path together according to God's divine Will. I pray that he comes back to mass, adoration, and penance and will love the Lord Jesus Christ and Blessed Mother with all his heart, mind, body and soul through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
  • I also pray for the healing of his left arm and irritable bowel syndrome.


  • 03/25: Please pray for Father John T., from EWTN.  He was in a serious car accident and he is in critical condition.



03/22: a male member asks us:

  • to pray for me  (...) I am very much in need of another job with more better terms than the current job,
  • secondly i have trying to do an exams for the last ten years but all in vain i really need prayers and even advice on what to do
  • moreso pray for my wife Maureen (teacher) to get a better job,
  • my brother  to get a job since his college he only managed to work for three months for the last twelve years
  • also pray for other family members, Stephen, Irene, Joan who are jobless,
  • pray for my cousin Christopher who is raising funds for eye surgery
  • and  the rest of my family members needs,


  • 03/21: For safety of our beloved Pope Benedict XVI.
  • For all the people suffering from earthquake in Mexico


  • 03/20: Please pray for our finances so we will not lose our home.
  • Pray For the salvation of all Souls in this world for our Dear Jesus


  • 03/20: "Please pray for my Husband and all family members for conversion,and for those who have left the Catholic church to return, for all addictions and generational curses to be broken in my family, and for protection over us all in these times we live in!Thank you all for your prayers. God Bless you ! F. V."


  • 03/20: a  member asks us to pray for a young woman,  who is in hospital. She had her babtism few days ago and has a kind of mental illness. She fell down and hit her head. The family does still not know the results of the scan test.
  • please, pray for her mother, too - she also is a convert and her second daughter who is an atheist jew.


  • 03/20: "Dear Mother of God, Mary most holy:    I ask You to bring these petitions to Your Son Jesus.   I love You and the angels and saints and the blessed trinity.   Please heal me of my present thyroid condition, the goiter and whatever it is doing adversely to me. (...) I need new glasses and cant get the right prescription and need to get new ones……no one can fgure it out. Please let me get new glasses….please heal my mouth problems and the depression I have from it.   With love and thanks and praise.  A."


  • 03/20: Please pray for my brother a sacred servant  listen and act only by the direction of the Holy Spirit in carrying  out his plans. May any evil spirits surrounding him be bound in the name of Jesus.MD
  • 03/19: "Oh St Joseph , I carry all my prayers of my heart to you, please in your love give them to Jesus for me with a kiss of Love, Please find favor in our prayers, please come into this world and save all the souls from evil. amen"


  • 03/18: a priest wrote us: My Brothers and Sisters in Christ! I wish to extend on the importance of praying for our visionaries. Our visionaries have specially been chosen by Our Lord to suffer for all souls for their salvation. They suffer for us every day and sometimes we don't even know this. Therefore, let us not forget to pray for them for their salvation as well and for the continued strength they need to endure this suffering. In doing this, we form a unified chain of support of their task and bring comfort to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord. God's Blessing to all! In Jesus and Mary. Fr. Tim of the USA


  • 03/17: Please pray for my sister that her EC ride transportation will have a buyer soon. She needs the money for college tuition for her 2 children. thank you so much.


  • 03/16: Please pray for my husband, John to be free of cancer and neck/shoulder pain without any surgery.  Also for him a strong faith and peace during this difficult time.


  • 03/15: Please pray for my baby boy. (...)  Because of the spina bifida, we are in daily need of prayer for his continued good health and continued healing in the areas that are still weak.  I want to petition the members of this group to continue to pray that Our Risen Lord may continue to extend His healing hand upon my dear child and to beseech the intercession of our Blessed Mother on our family's behalf for strength for the days to come. The whole petition: Please pray for my baby boy.doc (31,5 kB)


  • a members wrote us: I wish to request prayer for Healing, forgiveness & reconcilliation for my family relatives & inlaws & others hurt by generational  sin handed down in our family & that God's Holy Will be done. I include all the Prayer Groups intentions every day in our Holy Hour at 3pm. Thank you.


  • 03/14: Let us pray for Constantia because she is dying. Let us also pray for her family-members and for her very good friend Joan because she is unconscious, and nobody told her that Consantia is dying.


  • 03/13: a member asks us: "Please pray that my adult children and daughter-in-law will convert their hearts to God."


  • Let us pray for all  kidnapped and abused children in the army of Joseph Kony who forces them to fight in his "LRA" and to protect him.


  • 03/12: a female member wrote us: My brother got through the surgery OK. He was in a lot of pain but is doing better. (...) He is grateful for your prayers! There is still a long road ahead-we will know if the infection  is under control by late tomorrow-after his first post-op appointment.
  • Please continue to pray for him. He has to have the hip implant put back in – in a few weeks if the infection is gone and hope that this time it does not return.



  • "Please pray for "ic" and "lr" that God reunites and brings them back together very soon and that God heals their broken relationship. Please pray for the healing of "lr's" illness and that "ic" gets a job. Please pray that "ap" stops manipulating "lr". And please pray that "ap" will leave manila and go home to her parents very soon before this month ends. Thank you."


  • 03/12: a female member asks us: Please pray for my family's conversion. My daughters healing, for healing of depression, job transfer for my husband so we can be all together.  A good school for my child for her special needs. Forgiveness in the family.  Mother Mary, star from the sea pray for us in Jesus name amen"


  • a male member asks us for our urgent prayer for his mother. She teaches Yoga, its where she gets income. Recently she wanted her son to make a brochure for her work. If he rejects it, it might offend his mom, so he made the brochure.  He feels bad because he might be supporting it in a way. Its very much against his will, but he might be also dishonoring his mother if he doesn´t make it. So he made it for her.


  • 03/12: "please pray for me - I am 12 weeks pregnant with our 3rd child.  I am 37 and diagnosed with Placenta Previa.  I am on bedrest and worried about my health and the health of my unborn child.  My husband needs help to handle the housework and our other two children along with his job.  Our extended family cannot help for whatever reasons.  I pray for their conversion."
  • a member wrote us:  Please ask the group to pray for the Philppines so that the dreaded RH bill will NOT be defeated finally when it is presented for voting in Congress.
  • 03/12:  a female member asks us for our prayer for the sale of her house and reconciliation with husband/children.


  • a female member mailed us: J"ust wanted to send an update on my husband Dave's condition.  He will now have to undergo a second knee surgery on March 19 as his knee has not healed correctly.  His kneecap moves to the left of his knee when his leg is bent instead of staying on top and this causes him much pain.
  •  I want to thank everyone for praying for us so we now know why his knee was not getting better.  Also, through your prayers, God has blessed us by providing for us financially as well - it's truly a miracle!  
  • Please continue to keep my husband and children in your prayers.  My requests for my children have not yet been apparent, but I keep praying for them every day and hoping.
  • Also, please pray for my mother who was recently diagnosed with beginning Alzheimers.  
  • Thanks to all of you, and we continue to pray for all of your intentions and requests every day.  Love and Prayers to all.  Thanks be to God.  Jesus I Trust in You!"


  • 03/11: a female member asks us: "Please pray for me for strength and the destruction of the evil that has been done to me.  I have been a victim of voodoo and fighting off evil spirits and demons that have made me sick and weak. In God’s love, light and blessings, Te."


  • Please pray for my son R's conversion.  He is away from the Catholic church.  Also pray for his girlfriend M's conversion also.  They have been cohabitating for several years together.  Also pray for peace between R and his son D. Thank you.


  • 03/11: Niamh needs to have a home of her own so that she can be a family with her two children and husband. She despeerately needs to get a teaching job near to where she now lives. Thank you


  • 03/10: Please pray for 23 year old Celia who has been suffering from a mysterious illness for a year.  She is in a lot of pain and it is getting worse.  Her parents are begging for our prayers.
  • Queen of Peace, you are the refuge of sinners, the health of the sick and the comforter of the afflicted. Give Celia peace of mind, so that she may overcome the physical suffering.  Let Celia find strength in her heart, filled with faith in God's will.  Help her to persevere in the love and friendship of you, her heavenly mother and your Son, Jesus. Heavenly Mother, please ask your Son to remove all pain from Celia Amen. "A."
  • a member asks us for our prayer: "For the fulfilling of the Will of God to our very dear friend Constantia, 85, diagnosed with a lung cancer." Prayer group of JoAnn K."


  • 03/09: members ask us: "To pray for Father A. for peace of mind and heart." Magda


  • 03/08: For Lisa's son Jack who is serving in the military. Yesterday he was brought into the ER. Possible nervous breakdown. Please pray for healing, body, mind, and soul. Thank you! God bless you.


  • Prayer for the intercession of Pope John Paul II

O Blessed Trinity, We thank You for having graced the Church with Pope John Paul II and for allowing the tenderness of your Fatherly care, the glory of the cross of Christ, and the splendor of the Holy Spirit, to shine through him. Trusting fully in Your infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary, he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd, and has shown us that holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is the way of achieving eternal communion with you.

Grant us, by his intercession, and according to Your will, the graces we implore, hoping that he will soon be numbered among your saints. Amen.


  • 03/08: a male US-american member asks us: "Please pray for me as I suffer from depression for almost two decades now. Please pray for my sister and family to find their way back to the sacraments. Also my mother.
  • Thank you so much for all your prayers for my father during his illness...yes, I was with our Gospa (one of the meetings with Ivan in  3 parishes in the USA in February) when he passed on to the next life.Thank you."
  • 03/07: For clear direction for a couple in their relationship.
  •  For M. M. who has serious health issues.  He's a young man who is trying to do God's will in his life.
  •  For W. S. that he discern God's will for his future.


  • a female member asks us for our prayer "for a safety delivery of Vanessas's child" . It is her first child - she is 34 y. old.


  • a member wrote us: Please pray for the young people so they have a deep desire for the truth and that the veil of lies and deceit be lifted from their eyes. Pray for deep conversion of all the youth and young people of this generation that they accept and receive Jesus in their hearts and truly repent of their sins and look to Jesus for all things.Amen


  • 05.03: a member asks us for our urgent prayer for the Annulment of the marriage of her partner. May Almighty God help to bring the truth to light. May He help to find honest witnesses who prove that the unbelieving relatives lied to avoid the Holy Sacrament of marriage of her son with an unloved catholic partner.
  • Please also pray for the conversion of these relatives and that He turns their hate of the Catholic Church into love. 


  • a male member asks us: Please pray that my wife get's the spiritual and psychological help she so desperately needs right now.  She suffers terribly from narcissistic and borderline personality disorders, and refuses to get help professionally.  She also refuses to say the Holy Rosary and open herself up to Christ's healing power.  Please pray to Saint Michael on her behalf that the devil is rebuked and no longer holds a grip on her mind and her immortal soul.


  • 03/04: "please pray for all those people and their trials the ones I have I my heart and is approved by God, we praise you Jesus  we Love You Holy Spirit We adore You Father, Thank You ,,JMJ" we love you save souls, amen"


  • a male membe asks us: "Please pray for me and my girlfriend, we have for 12 years been the target for demons and other spirits, and we havent met no priest who can help us.  (...) We have both experienced supernatual phenomena during the years and they (the demons) are desturbing our lives all the time. Please pray for us."



  • a female member asks us: "Please say four mysteries of the rosary for all priests and our beloved Catholic Church on the 13th day of each month. Rosa Mystica  wished that the 13th of each month be celebrated as a marian day. She will pour out vocational holiness and abundant graces on those religious orders and spiritual institutes who have honoured her especially.
  • Please pray for Our Pope as his health is not great at the moment and let us include all priests and Pope Benedict in our prayers daily."


  • 03/02: a female member asks us: Please pray for my son "Little Joe" (19 y.). He has a congenital neurological disease and Autismn since his birth. Therefore, he has anxiety disorders since earliest childhood . He is afraid to leave the house and to finish his school although he is very intelligent. His elder sister Bernadette-Marie died after an operation (heart) only 10 months before he was born - please pray that God gives him and us the grace of healing and joy. 
  • Please also pray for my 2nd daughter "Bella" (17). She also is ill since her birth (mentally handicapped) and has big troubles in school and to speak grammatically correct. She prays very much and loves Jesus and would like to work in a Christian institution or a creative job (e.g. with needle works) but her teachers gives us a very little hope.Thank you for your prayer for my beloved handicapped children!!! God bless you and your families!


February 2012


  • URGENT: 29. February 2012:  Worldwide Day of Pray to avert a nuclear war in Iran! More informations: Home
  • An Austrian and a German Priest will celebrate the Holy Mass in this opinion on Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 5:00 pm and 9:00 am We invite all priests to join in and celebrate Masses as well on this day. More Informations: NEW! Submissions of Priests


02/29: a female member wrote us:

-  Please pray that all my children and grandchildren who are all baptized Catholics to return to the reception of the sacraments. I pray that they may be given the grace of conversion and amendments of their way of life before the warning happen.

-  Please pray also for our country ( Philippines ) to seek and follow God's commandments in our Government, schools and family.

-  Please pray for the immediate sale of our house in Makati City, we need cash to prepare for the warning.
- Please pray for my petition that I and my family will be given the grace to enter the New era of Peace on earth.


  • a member asks us for our prayer: For my marriage. For my husband and children. For all of my former foster children wherever they may be and for their families.


02/29:  a member asks us for our prayer for:
  • Caitlin Williams ( for becoming/being an atheist)
  • Ashley ( for stealing and causing pain among friends and family)
  • Miranda Gr. (for having an abortion so young and not honoring her vows in her marriage)
  • Uncle Mark (for deserting family in a time of need and for causing much angst of loved ones)
  • Sally Frederic ( for the life she is currently living)
  • For my family and friends who are not taking serious these messages we have been given.
  • For me, I am trying to become a better Christian/Catholic everyday. I have lived in sin for so long that I am finding much harder to come back to the light. Pray that I am able to overcome my sins and offer up all of my sufferings for all the souls that need it more than I.
  • 02/28: a US-american member wrote us: "My father passed away at the time that I was in church awaiting Our Blessed Mother before Ivan came. So please pray for the repose of his soul. Your friend, David" (His father was very ill for several month).


  • Pray for the conversion of our family especially those with hardened and distracted hearts. For the spiritual growth in our family and union of family in Divine love. Pray for the protection of our teens and children. That the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus protects and seals our body soul and spirit as well as our mind..thoughts and our physical and spiritual possessions. Mother please help us grow in humility faith and Divine Love. God bless



  • Please pray for:
  •  Lou to keep his job and reach his mandates from his company.
  • Marcia and Bob financial troubles
  • Chris needs healing of his knees.
  • Maria and Tom Conversion and healing of Maria’s back.
  • Dakota healing of aspersers.
  • Jill healing of her condition of being a kleptomaniac .
  • Brianna accepted in Lourdesschool of Nursing.
  • "I ask all those living God's Will please unite my prayers to yours for the return to the True Faith of my son Keanu, a very troubled and desperate soul, seeking drugs and immorality as his comforts instead of Jesus. Pray he reverts quickly during these days of Mercy upon us. Thankyou. God Bless you all."


02/27: a female member asks us:

  • Please pray for my son who is doing medical mission work in  SA this week that he hear God's call for his vocation in life.
  •  For all my children and my husband that they open to the Spirit and follow His direction.
  •  For Fr. David Sy. who committed suicide this past week. May he rest in the peace that eluded him in this life.
  •  For two men named Robert who are to be executed this week and next in Arizona.
  •  For my husband that he open his heart to Jesus and Mary.
  •  In grateful thanksgiving for so many blessings in my life.


  • 02/26 "I ask my brothers and sisters to join me in praying to the Lord that my grandson Michael be relieved of the skin trouble he has been suffering since birth. "A."


  • 02/26: a female member wrote us: "Please pray so that I will find my missing miraculous medal (sterling sliver) which is small. It may be difficult to find it. I had it for about nine years and my best friend’s sister gave me this lovely present."


  • 02/25: Please pray for my friend who has very difficult problems and I beg Jesus to help him. Thank you for hearing us. Amen


  • 02/25 a female member emailed us: "I am asking for prayer that my email can be protected from hackers with evil intentions. It saddens me that I have to be concerned with this, but I pray that ALL souls trying to get the messages of maria out, as well as those who are sincerely trying to do the will of the Holy Spirit be protected from those under the influence of  satan."


02/25: a female member sent us:

  • "I ask for prayers for the conversion of my husband's life long friend Ryan who is an atheist, he was accepting to read the warning messages a few weeks ago, I pray that he will see the truth of these messages and turn his heart over to Jesus.
  • I ask for prayers for the conversion of a woman named Kelly, she came to me with questions about God and how to forgive herself for her sins, she had a desire to hear the truth.
  • I ask for prayer for the youth of my family, especially my son J and my niece M who are currently praying the Plenary Indulgence for Absolution. I pray that the turn their hearts over to Jesus and see the truth that is already in their spirits. I also pray that God open the door for these two to have their children baptised, they are both teen parents and desire their children to be baptised but keep facing barriers.
  • I pray that Jesus and Mary protect my sweet baby grandson Keekee (that is what he calls himself) and my precious great niece Izzy. They deserve the sacrament of baptism Lord Jesus, please allow this to happen for him and all your children.
  •  Lastly I ask for prayers for myself, Lord Jesus I pray that you give me the strength to face the persecution I am getting from people at work, and within my own family. I ask that you fill me with the gifts of the Holy Spirit when I speak to them and help me forgive the lashes of their tongues that hurt me deeply. I offer my suffering of this persecution to save your souls Lord Jesus.
  • I felt to alone with no support, Thank you Jesus for guiding me to this prayer group, you have answered my prayers and for this I give you thanks and praise."


  • a member wrote us: "please pray for my family ,Thaddeus(me),Maureen(wife),Mary my only 1 yr daughter, my parents, John Gladys, Mathias,francisca ,my brothers and sisters, Cyprian, Cyrus,Joseph,Josemaria,Joan, Pascalia,Mary,Angela,Stephen,Albert,Crispin,Irene, our cousins,uncles aunts and our relatives on all our needs and for eternal life"


  • "Please pray for our daughter who has a serious lung condition that is life-threatening; for a cure for my own chronic health problems, especially candida and possible heart problems; and for our marriage.  Thank you!"


02/24:  a member emailed us:

  • pray for kathleen eaton, a prolife advocate continuing  a big project , please pray for her protection and guidance; she is a strong voice right now   she is battling some issues, pray for her and birth choice
  • pray for elsa, inga ,paddy, john, myself all facing financial struggles as we battle for truth  (all prolife doctors)
  • conversion graces for jorge,erika ,alex,kenny,geraldine,martin,jacquie,bruce
  • pray for the christian pastor in iran facing death for standing for Jesus against islam
  • the Garcia family son of who is in his 20's and is suffering a nervous breakdown. ~Boots
  • ~Steve's mother who is very ill.
  • ~our country to see His truth in all aspects of government
  • ~those considering abortion to choose life (and for funds for a sonogram in a van so that women, especially in Germantown, MD will see their baby and keep their baby - especially those who were contemplating partial birth abortion by Dr. Leroy "C.".
  • ~conversions of family and friends
  • ~those seeking employment and those suffering from financial issues
  • ~those with physical, mental and emotional sufferings
  • ~those discerning upcoming changes in their lives
  • ~everyone to keep their Lenten promises so that many good fruits will come at Easter
  • ~all our previous intentions



  • "Please pray that my 2 brothers and 2 daughters will once again embrace their faith in Almighty God and that the Holy Spirit will purge them, and all the luke-warm of their tepidity.
  • Please pray also that those of us trying our best to seek the kingdom of God will never lose our faith and that our courage in adversities and our fervour in trying to help win souls for Jesus will grow stronger and stronger with each new day.
  • Also please ask the Lord to be my moral and spiritual compass in all things and particularly with regard to an important career choice I have to make right now. Thank you and God bless all of you."
  • 02/23: "Please pray for my brother Alain. He had a very bad staff infection after hip surgery 2 years ago which never totally healed and just recently had to have the new hip removed. He is now without a hip as he continues to battle the infection which could take his life and is in much pain. He is also a fallen away Catholic. Please pray for his physical healing, that his suffering will be lessened and most of all, that this experience leads him back home to the Church and his Savior. Thank you so much"


  • a member wrote us: "I have a request to pray for. I have a first cousin who is a priest and a retreat preacher. I had a total conversion from my sinful ways attending his retreat. My brother also is there helping the retreat centre. There are some holy people who are members of it, but not staying there since there is no sufficient place to stay. Now Satan is attacking the retreat centre through superior priests. They have asked my brother to leave the centre telling that he is a scandal to the people. They also asked other priests not to allow my cousin priest and his group to conduct the retreat."


02/23: a member asks us:




  • 02/23: a male member asks us for our urgent prayer for his seriously ill father. He wrote today: " seems my father is dying, so we are calling the priest today. Please keep praying for him. I will go see Ivan on Saturday and will put our prayer group in my petition and prayers."


  • 02/23: "Please pray for me to get a job soon. I was laid off recently and I am the breadwinner in my family.
  • Also, please pray for the healing of my brother, Robert C.. He needs a healthy kidney. He is undergoing dialisys right now 3 times a week. Pray for peace in the world and for more vocation to priesthood and religious life. Thanks so much for your prayers."


  • 02/23: "Please pray for my son and his wife who are both addicted to drugs and alcohol.  They have three children.  His wife is now very ill with very serious lung problems.  I attribute these problems to her drug and alcohol use.  Please pray that they repent and are convicted of what they are doing is very sinful and wrong, and convert with the warning or sooner.  Thank you."


  • 02/23: a member asks us: "Please pray for sis Trang.Today is her birthday but she misunderstand and mistreat me unfairly, right now she has a bitterness and hatred for me. Please pray for her for deliver over her problems due to misunderstanding, please pray to keep her family safe from all harm. Please pray to God to heal heart heart and restore her heart."


  • a member wrote us: "Please add my children Andrew and Danielle, and my husband Joel to the family prayer list.  Please pray that their faith is strengthened and they come to accept these messages."


  • 22/02/: a female member sent us: "Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness for Roger S.. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate his worry and sorrow with your gentle love. Roger has completed radiation and now cannot swallow.  Grant Roger the grace and strength to accept this burden and help the doctors to discover the reason and to cure him. Dear God, we place hia worries in your hands. We place Roger under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant him the grace to acknowledge Your will and know that whatever You do, You do for the love of Roger. Amen"


  • a female member wrote us:  "I often feel alone in my prayers, my husband and family don't want to pray with me and this hurts me.  There is so much chaos (no peace in my family) for the last 6 to 7 years.  My 4 daughters are 22 ,21, 20 and 12 and they always fight with each other over silly things, swearing with one another, screaming , they don't have very much respect for me and my husband and I have been sick everyday for 36 years with nausea and migraines from chronic gastritis and I'm on pills everyday and now I have become  so depressed and anxiety to the point where I have a problem taking deep breaths and swallowing liquids.  I don't want to feel despair, but I do at times.  I ask God to heal me but I feel He doesn't hear me.  But now that I have found this website with God's messages regarding the second coming, I try to offer my sufferings for lost souls and sinners including myself and it makes me happy to know that I belong to a prayer circle of like-minded people.  Please pray for me and my family- for peace, health and salvation.  The Lord is my Rock, Refuge and Salvation. Peace to all of you, in Jesus' name"


  • "Please pray for financial windfall for us so that we will be able to pay our obligation to our cousin who himself  badly needs the money. He has been so kind to us and we feel sad that things havent turned out as we had hoped for so we can meet this payment. Thank you and God bless us all!"



  • "Blessed Mother, I ask you to bless Ani Ke. as she continues on her journey to recover from Cancer.  Please help her draw on her faith for strength and may you and Our Lord be near her as she goes through these upcoming treatments."
  • 21.2.: a female member asks us: "Please pray that abortion will never be introduced in Ireland. M.G."


  •  a member wrote us: "I ask you all to pray for my country Indonesia is now a lot of wars, natural disasters, and harassment of the Blessed Sacrament everywhere. For those who pray, may God bless us all. amen. Thank You"


  • a member asks us: "Could you Please pray for my much loved grandson E. there is something wrong and no one can tell us what it is. He is suffering. Please Pray that we with Gods help and Our Blessed Lady have the Love and patience to help him. God Bless you all"


  • a member asks us:  "Please pray for me I'm really hopeless right now because I had obsessive bad thoughts against Holy Spirit since 2010 I really afraid over my thoughts and it's haunting me everyday, please pray for me for deliverance, to get rid off these thoughts away. I can't control my thoughts, I keep having compulsive over these thoughts everyday."


  • a female member asks us for our prayer for her friend who goes to South-America to spreed the Holy Rosary but her husband is against her apostolate and her journey. Let us pray together for his conversion.


  • a female member asks us for our prayer:
  • for the conversion of all our family; especially Brad (my husband and father of our 6 children 
  • for the Baptism of our youngest, Joshua James, as soon as possible.
  • for my eldest daughter, Kaelih and the insurance companies (" G. + N")- that they will honour our claims on car insurance and that God's Will be done in respect to the possible drink-driving charge;If it God's Will, that the blood alcohol reading will come back negative and that Kaelih will be healed of any issues which prevent her growth in Christ.


  •  a female member asks us: "Please pray for my cousin who is having a baby in 6-7weeks time. She has been told by the hospital that the baby has Down Syndrome. She is very upset and is having a really tough time accepting this. She is a very young mother and she already has two healthy children. Pray too that she will come back to the Catholic faith as she is not married and that she will stay converted and live in accordance with the will of God. Thanks so much."


  • a member emailed us: "I ask everyone to pray for my mother right now who suffers from an extreme case of COPD.  Please pray also for her spiritual conversion prior to the Warning.
  • Please pray for my father's conversion through the Immaculate Heart of Mary."


  • ! 02/02: A priest from Austria asks us to co-celebrate in spirit the "SIX  Clementine Masses" for all those who are going to die during the warning.  He also invites other priests to celebrate these precious masses as well. More Informations about these Holy Masses: NEW! Submissions of Priests


January 2012:


  • a priest, member of our Internet-prayer-group, wrote us:
"Dear Members,
Please pray for my father who is 88 years old and now has terminal cancer of the lungs. Two years ago he was diagnosed and can only survived 6 months to 2 years. He survived the 2 years and now our family is confronted with the painful truth of his deteriorating health. I ask your prayers that the surgery will lengthen his life a little longer without much suffering. It pains us to see him in agony. My prayers for all of you everyday.
Love and Prayers

Fr. F.J."

  • Fr. F. J.  wrote us some days later: "Thanks a lot for posting my prayer request. My father is really better now. Prayer is so powerful especially when done by a number of people."



a female member wrote us:

  • I request prayers for my friend "Pe."´s brother and sister-in-law who are both sick: "F." and "G." both suffer from cancer. "Pe." requests prayers of healing.
  • I request prayers for members of our parish, St. Brigid of Ireland Catholic Church, for its members and their conversion.
  • Please pray also for my children, that they come back to their faith through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, have true contrition and conversion.


  • Please pray for one of our assistants  who is responsible for the warning-apostolate for South America. He is spreading the messages in Spanish and Portuguese. He was left homeless and  completely impoverished. May St. Joseph help to  improve his desperate situation.


  • an Irish member sent us: Our Lady of Ireland, Please hear our prayers, please send us a new leader who loves Our beloved Catholic Church and support our Catholic values and build a good rapport with Our Pope. Deliver us from great financial difficulties which greatly affect the weak people in our society. O Lady of Knock, have mercy on us, have pity on us. Send us a strong Bishop who has a great love for you and Jesus to guide us through the difficulties. amen


  • a member emailed us: "Please pray for 89 year old Edie, who fell and underwent surgery on her hip: Blessed Savior, we thank you that this operation is safely past, and Edie rests in your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of your healing life into every part of her being. In moments of pain let her turn to you for strength, in times of loneliness she will feel your loving nearness. Grant that your life and love and joy may flow through Edie for the healing of others in your name. Amen."


  • a female member wrote us: "Please pray that our parish priest permits us to have Adoration to pray for the intentions of Jesus, as we do not have Adoration at our Church and have requested it many times. We will keep you in our prayers, Masses, and pray for you all too."


  • a female member wrote us: "I would please ask people on this site to pray for those individuals who have not been reached regarding the messages of Maria Divine Mercy due to my lack of courage in spreading the messages to strangers and those who I felt would not listen, I know there are so many people right around me here who have no idea what is about to unfold and yet I remain paralysed in reaching out to them in any meaningful way,
  • I would please ask prayers for all those people who will be so shocked and who could have benefited had I had more courage.  I have been so touched healed and encouraged that Heaven is going to act in a way that soon we will all know of God's existence but feel deeply sad for those individuals who didn't have the grace to find the Warning Second Coming Website. 
  • I pray and would ask all people on this website to pray for those people belonging to each of us that may be unprepared for the Warning.  I will remember the intentions of everyone here who asks for prayer continually.
  • I would especially request prayers for the unbelievers in my family and my husbands grandson who says he does not believe and for he and his brother to be reconciled.   Prayer for the unbaptised members of my extended family also.  I pray for each and every member of my family and my husbands family especially those with ill health for graces to survive the warning and also for trust afterwards for each of us and for the graces to do Gods will and become active members in his Army on earth. 
  • In thanksgiving also for the gifts received from heaven through the many messengers sent to warn us.  Finally for all those souls who will reject God's mercy".
  • a female member emailed us: "...please add my daughter who needs prayers. She is showing interest in reiki and will not listen to anything I have to say!"


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for Holland and Germany. O Lady, hear us. amen"


  • a male member wrote us: "I request your prayers for my 17 year old nephew who just went to prison. Let us pray that he will convert his life to Jesus and Mary. Thank you"



  • a male member asks us: Please pray for my wife who has recently separated from me and our four very young children (ages one through six).  Please pray that God fills the emptiness in her soul with his Divine Love and shows her His great Mercy before the Warning.


  • a female member wrote us: "Please pray for all members of our Internet circle group so that we will be protected . Many thanks, God bless. B"


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for my Friend, A. Who has a difficult time with her strong mother. O Lord , please open her mother’s eyes and go easy on her disabled daughter and must accept that it is not easy to get a job due to the low job market. Amen"


  • a Hungarian member wrote us: "I want to ask you to pray for Hungary and Hungarians those days, if it is possible, With love in Christ, "E."


  • a female member asks us for prayer:"... for Dorothy and Andrew for desire and ability to forgive."


  • Lots of prayer is urgently required for my two cousins - brother and sister. They are both very sick with a condition known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They are only very young in their early 30's. The condition is progressive and sadly it is progressing very quikly in the girl. She is finding it very difficult to hold down a job. She has fallen several times because she can no longer control her limbs. When she fell last week she hurt both her ankles badly. She often feels very depressed. Her brother had a bad fall just before Christmas and he is in a kneck-brace since. Their poor mother is extremely worried about them both. There is no cure for this condition. They live in Ireland and need all the prayers they can get. Please remember them if you are at mass or praying before the Blessed Sacrement. Thank you so much.


  • a female member wrote us: "Everyday more and more people are adding to 'JESUS TO MANKIND - FACEBOOK', lets intercede to Mother of  Heaven and Earth may they all be the members to the INTERNET PRAYER GROUP let each one be the channel to proclaim the good news to save others."


  • A Catholic priest, who is member of our Internet Prayer Group, asks for our prayers for conversion of President Obama:  that he may receive the light of faith and convert, concerning the dramatic situation of abortion politics in America, through which thousands of unborn babies have fallen victim in the past and still fall victim at present.
  • Our ordained member sends us following benediction prayer: "God's full blessings to the Internet Prayer Group.  I will include your prayer requests in my daily Holy Masses in the name of our Lord Jesus and the Holy Mother Mary. Father N."


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for my uncle (almost 90) who is not very well. O Lady, hear us, please grant him a happy death. Amen"


  • a female member emailed us an urgent invitation for the 5th February 2012. "I suggest that on this specific date we will all unite in prayer for the unborn babies threatened by abortion. It will be nice if all of us will be able to recite the Rosary of the Unborn."  More informations: unite in prayer for the unborn babys.docx (14,7 kB)


  • I female member asks us for our prayer for her sons: "I have two sons who are already grown-ups, duly baptized but did not want to receive the sacrament of confirmation; they have not been attending the Holy Mass for a long time now and this is my foremost intention to pray for."


a female member asks us for our prayer:

  • For my husband "D." who had knee replacement last October.  His knee is very slow to heal and he has still not gone back to work yet.  
  • For my son "J." and his girlfriend "N." who live in Tokyo, Japan - that "J." returns to the Church and that N." "and her family will be converted.  
  • For my daughter "S." that she finds employment and that her school situation be corrected.


  •  a brother in Christ emailed us: "Please pray with us for recovery from the Death of Our Only Son & Other Hardships (Severe financial, Health Issues & Other Losses-Deaths) & Sorrows."


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for my husband’s Aunt who is almost 89 years old. May she have a happy death, I ask Our Lady of elderly folks  to look after them and pray for them.  amen"


  • a member emailed us:  "Dear Our lady of the Miraculous medal, please pray that my daughter , (C.R.) and I will go to Paris to visit the Chapel of The Miraculous Medal this year if possible  so that she may get a change of heart and go back to Our Holy Catholic Church amen."


a male member wrote us:

  • "Next weekend I will be in a congres of New Evangelisation in Spain. ( Is the first).  I think that this is very important as well.  Please pray for it, and for the New evangelisation in  Spain, and the whole world.
  • My wife have a neurological disease in the face. She must take strong medicines for it. Please pray for her healing,  interceeding to Mary and to  John Paul II."


  • a female member wrote us: "Dear Our Lady , please pray for me and my husband so that we may go to Lourdes this year if God’s will. O Lady of all Nations, hear us and pray for us, Amen."
  • a female member wrote us: "Dear Holy Mary, the Queen of our Internet prayer group, please pray for us, the members of our internet prayer group and may our children and loved ones be saved. O Queen of Heaven and Earth, hear us, have mercy on us and have a pity on us. Amen"


  • a member emailed us: "Mama Mary we intercede to you for the online prayer members  let there may be millions more from all the countries so the Divine Mercy be recited at each and every moment of the day and night on this planet earth. Abba Father in Your mercy let all your children’s be saved by the most precious blood of Jesus."


  • a male member wrote us: "I would appreciate you and the prayer group to keep praying for my father. He is also an alcoholic, and the doctor told him he does not have much longer to live if he does not stop drinking. His stomach is bad and also his esophogus. He is bleeding internally. Yet he has no desire to stop drinking. Please pray he will go into a treatment center and save his life...he is only 63 years old."


  • a female member emailed us: "We should pray for all priests daily because devils hate their holy hands".


  • a member wrote us: Please pray for my daughter, C, her mother, E and her son, J and that they will discover the Divine light, truth and Mercy in these trying times.


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for my friend who is not well and the doctors could not find anything. I ask Jesus to heal her spiritually, mentally, emotionally. amen"


  • a male member wrote us: "Jelena, one of the locutionists at Medjugorje, suffered a strok and is pregnant with her fifth child. (...) Please ask all in the prayer group to pray for her and her child also, for a safe delivery."


  • a female member emailed us: "Dear Holy Mary, The Queen of our Internet prayer group, please pray for us who have recourse in you and present our petitions to God as may our petitions be granted in accordance with God’s will. amen"


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray hard for my sister G. who is having very severe migraines. They just don't go away. She was in hostpital before and I am worried she will have to go again. She is also out of touch with her faith. She does not practice her faith at all but I feel that she is lukewarm with maybe a very small light left in her soul. PLEASE PLEASE help me to pray for her. Many many thanks to all our prayerful members."



  • a female member emailed us: "I feel I am losing the Christmas mood. My husband is very down. His moods affect our family. He lost his job last Jan. First time, I do not bother to send the Christmas cards this year." Let us pray for her, her husband and her 3 daughters!


  • a female member asks us for our prayers for Dietmar and Human Life International Austria, and for HLI's mission around the world. Please read the tragic case of Dietmar: Human Life International.docx (145,4 kB)


  • a female member asks us for our prayer for her friend and her husband. He is out of work and they need peace this Chrismas coming.


  • a female member asks us for our prayer for the conversion of her husband, "Mi." and her son, "Mi." Jr.


  • a male member emailed us: "My father was rushed to the hospital by ambulance this morning (12/13/2011). He was so weak he could not get out of blood. His hemoglobin was down to should be 12, so he is receiving a blood transfusion. (...) We need all the prayers we can get!"


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for me. I am in much depression about my past failures in my life.  i had confessed sins of my childhood and youth where i had messed up everything. when i realized this i truly repented for my sins.(...) In times i cannot even face my husband. The more am coming closer to Jesus the evil is condemning me with my past memories. Please keep me in your prayers."


  • a member emailed us: "Dear Our Lady of Europe, please help us and pray for us to be strong and trust  in God fully during the difficult times in relation to our financial situation. Have pity on us in every country in Europe. O Lady of Europe, hear us."


  • a female member asks us: "Please, pray for the soul of A.T.! He died around the Hour of Grace in Poland. He was a very good and heart-giving doctor. Thank you!" Let us also pray for his family.


  • a member mailed us: "Please pray for Malta! Malta is the only country in Europe where abortion is still illegal, Please pray for Malta so Abortion wouldn' t be legal and so that the Maltese will get to know the realities and the disastrous outcomes of Abortion. Dearest Jesus, please do have mercy for us, Maltese, illuminate each and everyone of Maltese to get to know the realities and the disastrous outcomes of abortion. Let us be a voice for all the unborn worldwide! Most Precious Jesus, most beloved Mary our Mother, protect and save all unborn Children! AMEN" 


  • a female member asks us: "...please pray for my son, "K" . He is in physical therapy school and has one last time to pass a practical exam.  If he doesn't pass it he will be out of the program!"


  • a female member mailed us: "Dear Our lady of Europe, Hear us,.... please pray for us, the Europeans, especially irish ones, so many of us are losing our homes and our jobs daily. Beg Our Lord have a pity on us, our Europe and Europeans amen"


  • Let us pray for America. Let us pray for the USA, Canada and Mexico. May God protect all nations. 

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen


  • a male member mailed us: Please pray for My wife to get a good job and also to bless me, wife and my son with Gods protection always


  • a member asks us:
    1. Please pray the message twice i had forwarded from your website to my known person, 
    may they believe it and May the Almighthy Father enlighten their mind to view this website 
    and to keep forwarding the websites to others so thousand and thousands may be aware of this 
    and be saved in the mighty name of Jesus.
    2. Please pray for my brother-in-law he is involved in the gambling job may the Lord touch
     his heart and mind through the intercession of Mama Mary.
    3. Please pray may all the children from the childhood may learn to leave according 
    to the Ten Commandments given by the Almighty Father so no evil will touch them. 
    Lord  bless all the priest, nuns and the catechist  to teach all the children the commandments 
    to live on this earth.
  • a member emailed us: We must pray very much for the priests, because the devil attacks them constantly.


  • a female member asks us: Please pray for my husband and my good friend so that they will get jobs soon.


  • a female member emailed us: "Please pray for these priests who are members of our Internet prayer group (...). I ask Our Lord to send St Micheal to protect these particular priests. Amen."


  • a male member aks us for our prayer: "... my father fell twice yesterday and he has lost a lot of weight. Please continue to pray for him and also for my mother, sister and her 4 children and for my son to all come back to the Church and the sacraments."


  • a priest, he is principal of a school in India, emailed us: "Thank you for the membership in the International online prayer group. It will be helpful for my ministry as a priest having many people to pray for me and my priestly ministry and all other members and their intentions too will be remembered in my prayers. we can meet each other and connected each other through Christ in prayer. May God Bless every one of us"


  • a family from Ireland asks us: "Could you please pray for our family as we are very worried about our jobs."


  •  I pray that You (- oh Sacred Heart of Jesus) will hear my prayer to give your visionaries the strength they need to proclaim your most holy word to a disbelieving world. Amen. ( all prayers of the "Crusade of Prayer" --->11th prayer)


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for my three daughters will go to Holy Christmas Mass with me and my husband. O Lord, hear us. amen"


  • a female member mailed us: "My family needs prayer for conversion and surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ.  One sister is addicted to prescription pain killers and needs spiritual healing for her deep sorrows and sadness.  She is committed to Jesus, but seems to be blocked from seeing the Lord's will for her.  She is distracted by those family members who are not out for her best interest.  Another sister is addicted to gambling and lying for her own benefit.  My brother has many different gods i.e. greed, manipulations, control, deception, and lying.  Please pray for a healing in my family for a rebuilding of relationships with each other and with the Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen."


  • a member asks us: Please pray for the conversion of my family.


  • a male member asks us for our prayer for him ("A.T.") and his company, (grass-cutting sercise business).  May our Lord also bless "E." and their customers. "A.T." also asks that the Almighty God will give him the gift to be a good leader and the ability of good communication and music performance on stage with the empowerment of Holy Spirit.


  • a male member with diabetes asks us for our prayers for his wife "M.". She has 'end stage kidney failure' and is quite weak.


  • a female member wrote us: "Please pray for my husband’s Aunt who is almost 89 years old so that she may get a grace of happy Holy death . I ask Our Lord to bless my Aunt in Law who is always good to us."


  • Please pray for my 2 daughters, Ka. age 30 and needing to go to confession and mass.  Also looking for a good Catholic husband.
  • Please pray for Kr. Gr. age 26 and her husband Ja. to be nicer, get to confession and mass and have a family someday with God's help and for their sick collie, Hope and other pets.
  • Please pray we can get the Last Supper altar piece into Immaculate Conception Church in Omaha, NE, without much trouble.
  • Please pray for all away from the church and to come home and save their souls.
  • For holy people at the shine in Perryville, MO.  God bless them all.
  • For all the members of the prayer group, especially our little visionary. 
  • For Cl. Ha., 99 and in nursing home in Fl.
  • For Sr. An. 93, and in nursing home in Omaha, NE
  • a member asks us: Please pray for the priests in our Internet prayer group and Ask God and St Micheal to protect them every day.


  • a female member wrote us: "Please pray for my two daughters Kathryn 30 and single to find a Catholic good, husband and Kristin 26 and her husband Jarad for a family and good work."


  • a male member asks us: "Please pray for my wife that she be delivered from the Evil One and be open to accepting her vocation.  Please pray that she experiences God’s infinite Divine Mercy and is prepared for the Warning."


  • a male member informed us: "My father's test came back and the pollop on his colon was cancerous, so it is necessary for him to have surgery so the cancer does not spread, so keep praying."


  • a member asks us: "Please pray for my friend in Amsterdam who is ill with cancer and May she get a great grace to return to Our beloved Catholic Church soon as possible. May she be leaded to visit the chapel of Our Lady of All Nations in Amsterdam and may she find a love from God."


  • a female member mailed us: "Please pray for a Deaf Chinese man who is in China now and he is very isolated. He cannot access our Beloved Catholic Church in China. Ask Our Lord of China to have a pity on his poor child who is deaf and May Our Lord  grant him a lot of support."


  • a female member asks us: "Please pray for Malta! Till late May 2011, Malta was the only country in Europe where divorce was illegal, After that it was made legal. Divorce being the key to another disastrous door- Abortion! Malta is the only country in Europe where abortion is still illegal, Please pray for Malta so Abortion wouldn' t be legal and so the Maltese will get to know the realities and the disastrous outcomes of Abortion."


  • Jesus asks us: "My beloved daughter please ask My children to recite these prayers from now until The Warning. My followers are requested to recite these prayers which I will give you every day to save souls." (Message to Mary Divine Mercy, November 17th 2011). You find all prayers: all prayers of the "crusade of prayer"


a female member asks us to pray for:

  • My husband, that he may experience God's love and come to know Jesus in a personal manner.
  • My daughter (who will be nine years old on November 19th), that the Lord may take care of her heart and life, and keep her hidden in his Sacred Heart.
  • For my son, that by grace he may come to know the love of the Lord.
  • For my father in law, who is struggling against an extremely aggressive brain tumor. That he may be healed in body and spirit. And for his immediate family, that they be given the grace and strength to glorify God throughout this ordeal.


  • a female member mailed us: Please pray for Ireland so that she may keep a strong rapport with Pope Benedict. Our Lady wishes us to say a rosary for priests and Pope Benedict ( I think she meant daily) Let us offer the rosary for her beloved sons (priests) every day so that she will save them and keep their hands “Holy”. Let us pray for the members of our Internet prayer group so that their petitions may be answered in accordance with God’s will. We support each other by praying for the members.


  • a member from Ireland mailed us: "...please pray for my children and grandchildren my country and me."


  • A female member asks us: "Please pray for my Mom - M. G. - she is 87 and has caught a cold which has settled in her lungs.  She is not doing well and I am afraid for her.  I pray that it is not time for her to go Home to Jesus, she is my best friend and I'm not ready to lose her."


  • Some members of the prayer group ask for prayers for enlightenment in the Holy Spirit to be able to distinguish between the many prophets in our time, whether they are  coming from God or not. May our Merciful Heavenly Father stop all false prophets and lead them to conversion and give them the grace of enlightenment. "My Jesus, we trust in you".


  • members of Hungary mailed us:Most of us have the problem that their children and the whole family, relatives don’t believe in God, they lost their belief. And they ask  prayers for conversion of their children and relatives  to the God. 
  •  a female member from H. in Hungary has a grandson, who has been very ill for a long time, he has problem with blood. Her husband has depression and swears a lot, denies the God. Her husbands I.,  brother L. doesn’t believe either. Her nephew L. and niece A. live together with their partners without marriage. She  wants them to have  marriage in front of the God. She asks prayers for this situation.


  • a female member mailed us: "My problem is with my son R. who is maybe a little bit depressed and he has not finished his studies at technical collage. He is lazy too.
  • My Daughter S. will be a doctor. We would like that she will find a region (for her work) not far from my family because otherwise it will be financially difficult for me and my family to visit them. I don’t have a car.  I have a very nice 3-year-old granddaughter. I would like to visit her at least once a month.
  • My goddaughter A. doesn’t have a child and she would like to have.
  • I would like if Ga., P. and Pe. would be baptised. (parents with a daughter)
  • I also pray for conversion my brother G.


  • a member mailed us: About Our Lady of Soufanieh, Damascus Syria: The Holy Mother asked during the extasy in Belgium 1990;" My children, pray for peace,and especcially in the East,because you are all brothers in Christ." Mirna and Father Elias ask for to start a novene from 14 november till 23 nov feast of Our Lady of Soufanieh, for the Divine Mercy in unity with them, for peace in syria. please help our friends, thanks!


  • a male member asks us: "Please keep praying for my father. I went with him to the doctor yesterday, and he had pollops on his colon. We will know in a few weeks if he needs surgery."


  • a female member asks us for our prayers :"For my younger son so that he can overcome his addiction to the computer, and for my older daughter that she may come back to practice her faith regularly and
  • .For the healing of the great division in my extended family which had caused a lot of conflicts, hatred, pain and sorrow among the family members. May reconciliation, love and peace return to each one of."


  • A female member mailed us: "I would like to request prayer for an ongoing problem I have had for almost two years.  I have a bitter taste in my mouth and I have gone to several doctors and dentists and none can diagnose me.  Please Lord heal me of this affliction.  It causes me so much anxiety.   It never goes away.  Please pray for me."


  • a member wrote us: "All our children are moving in a good direction, however, our son 15 yrs, (J. P.)  has had a struggles with studies and social temptation towards drugs...however, he has not participated in them." Let us pray for J.P. and all children of the world  that all angels and all saints protect them from the temptations of the world and that our Heavenly Mother takes them under her mantle.


  • A sister mailed us: "I ask you of prayer for my spiritual life and for the relaxation(slackening) of my homosexuality and for my cure of the AIDS virus and so that I find soul-sœur one quite thank you and Union of Prayer"


  • a female member mailed us: "Wednesday (11/9/2011) is a VERY important day for one of our states ---Mississippi--- because the people are voting to recognize and protect human life from the point of fertilization which would basically outlaw abortion. When this happens we can then take back our country for God state by state." - Let us pray for Mississippi and for the USA!!!
  • a member wrote us: "I’m asking for all members to pray for me to attain moral clarity about a particular issue relating to my marriage." 


  • A member wrote us a very important prayer request especialliy for the USA: A group of Mayan pagan (and occult connected) men associated with incantations with a crystal skull are making their way across the USA and stopping in key cities to invoke the powers of their spirits (for what purpose we do not know but it does not sound holy). Their last stop is Los Angeles on 11/11/11 which in the Masonic and occult world is an incredibly power day. The want to "open a gateway" which on the spiritual level is not one that leads to heaven. More Infos under: Mayor prayer request for America.docx (15,5 kB)  We need all intercessors to ask the Lord to stand in the gap in any way necessary to protect us (His creation) from harm.


  • a female member mailed us: "I would like to request prayer for the fifth Marion Dogma to be proclaimed. That our Mother would be proclaimed by the Pope as Mediatrix of all grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate and thereby bring about the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.  Also my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren (and B.) be drawn in love to Jesus and walk with Him in the truth of the Catholic Church."


  • a member wrote us: " (...) I also ask for prayers for my 2 daughters who are away from the faith (one with mental health problems and history of substance abuse). let us pray for them and all those like them in Jesus's name."


  • A male member asks us to pray for his family, his colleagues and all those known to him, that they may convert, that war will be avoided and that the currencies will not plummet. Further he asks us to pray that he may finally stop his "annoying" sins.


  • A sister in Christ asks us to pray for a beloved brother who will have to make big decisions for his life very soon.


  • A female member suffers very much from her own psychological interaction syndrome, which makes it nearly impossible for her to understand her emotions. She begs us for her prayers because of the emptiness she feels, and because she often does not know how to carry one. She is very desperate.


  • An international sister in Christ asks: "I would like to ask for prayers for my son who left his wife and 2yo son, that he may convert and return to his family. I also ask for urgent prayers for my sick mother who suffers tremendous pain on shoulders and hips due to osteoporosis and an inflammation of her ligaments. She is in pain day and night and is desperate as the hospital where she was supposed to undergo surgery does not have any money.


  • Another sister in Christ asks for urgent prayers for her seriously ill son, just 45yo, and father of 4 school aged children. He has ALS in the final stages. May the Almighty Father in heaven grant him healing and some more time with his family. Last summer one son of this sister Christ died in the Alps. He was a missionary in Bolivia. Let us include him in our prayers also.


  • One brother in Christ asks us to pray for his wife who left him for another man. They have 3 wonderful boys, and he does not want to lose is beloved family.


  • One sister in Christ asks us again for prayers for her unbelieving brother-in-law with cancer who is dying. There was no way for him to get to the hospital to meet the priest and his wife now suffers from sudden deafness and needs help now too. Let us pray for his conversion and healing for both.


  • A sister in Christ asks for prayers for her financial worries, for foreign currency loans which have become more expensive because of the crisis.


  • A brother in Christ writes: "As your brother in Christ I am asking for prayers for my wife, our 6 children and 6 grand children who have a hard time believing in our beloved Jesus and our beloved Blessed Mother Mary. Also 4 ended up in a cult. Our oldest son is being divorced, one daughter has suffered from anxiety for years and one grand son has great problems in school."


  • One member asks: "On behalf of many brothers and sisters in our Faith we are asking for prayers for an important request of a priest. May God hear his prayers that all of satans' plans against him will be destroyed. The blessing of God may be with him every moment of the day, and may God give him all necessary graces to continue his priestly service. Amen" 
  • Please pray for my uncle who is in a coma. He has been a serious alcoholic for years. Please pray for God's Mercy and Compassion


  • A Hungarian member asks us to pray for her family and mainly for a little boy who was born at just 39 cm and 1.5 kg. The physicians believe that he could survive because he is on a respirator.


  • Prayers for an exam at university during a difficult time of multiple responsibilities (studies, work and several children)..... the husband passed the exam and is done with his university studies. Thank you to everyone!!


  • Let us pray that God will foil all terrorist plans in this world, and that the initiators will convert in the light of the Holy Spirit, esp. the thieves of a barrel of poison in Cologne, which we were told by a member today.
  • A Dutch sister in Christ is asking for prayers that a translator of her Dutch writings about Jesus will be found. 


  • A sister in Christ is asking for prayers for her sister that she may finally sell her apartment and the financial worries end. She also asks that we pray for her ill brother-in-law.


  • A member asks for God's protection for her family, esp. for her children.


  • Urgent prayers for her dying brother-in-law. He suffers from terminal cancer and has refused the Sacraments for years. He is only 57yo. Starting Monday, Oct. 31 a priest may visit him within the next week. Let us join our prayers for his conversion, and that he will be willing to receive the Sacraments.


  • Prayers for a separation which has not been concluded. The two parties still have feelings for each other, which is a heavy burden for a new relationship / marriage. May the light of the Holy Spirit guide them to the correct decision, esp. because of their child.


  • a female member asks us for our prayers: "My whole family is in great need especially my husband who is very lost and wants to live his own life! There is a real spiritual battle going on in his soul." 


  • a female member asks us for prayers for her husband and his health and a long life for him, for his son, daughter in law and two young grandchildren killed in a housefire  (1997), for his two daughters and their families, for all their relatives especialliy for her 5 brothers and their families that they know the love of Heaven for each of them;  for peace for her husband and all the familiy members, for complete conversion herself for forgiveness of her sins and for all the souls of the people of their/our past and present that they, and each of us, would be given grace to have open hearts during the forthcoming warning experience


  •  a female member asks us:" ... pray for a little girl "La." and her mother for Protection of Mother Mary!"


  • a member mailed us: "Please pray for the healing of my son's receeding gum and bumps on his arms and thigh without undergoing any procedure. Please pray that I could find employment soon.


  • a female member asks for our prayers: "...FIRST for a woman who needs an exorsist and a good priest who can lead her to Mary and Jesus! Second for O. and her family for saving all her family and for her children and husband for the Grace of The Lord and His Mother! And for my family, that they recieve great Mercy of JESUS OUR LORD AND THE PROTECTION OF MARY! And for the healing of L. , -a little baby who is ill!"


  • a member wrote us: "...I ask for prayers, my sister passed away yesterday afternoon...she fought the good fight!  and also for myself."


  • A male member asks for our prayers:  "... for me so that  I grow spiritually. I really want to do something in my life for Lord. Please pray God open some way for me. Please pray for my friend "J." so that she gets a life partner. Also please pray for all of my family members."


  •  A female missionar from Hungary asks prayers for the common breathing of he two lungs of Western and Eastern Europe


  • a member from the Netherlands wrote: "... that THE FATHER HIMSELF AND JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AND MARY, MY MISTRESS SHOULD BLESS my Book with great, great LOVE for all the souls!" She also asked us to pray that GOD will give her a good translater, if it is HIS will.


  •  "Dear members: Please pray for my son, "A.", whom I've not seen in close to 10 years. I went through a painful divorce and Church annulment and was falsely accused of sexually molesting him, and it never happened. Please also pray for my father, "D.", who has either liver problems or colon cancer. We will know when his tests come back."


  • "Dear priests, please include these members of our internet prayer group in your masses. Thank you. May God bless you and protect you in every way."


  •   "For a young man in Ireland who was sexually abused at the hands of clergy.  Pray that he becomes drawn to God's love so that he can once again be the holy warrior God called him to be." 


  • one of "our" priests of our prayer-circle mailed us: "I will travel on the 27th for a special intention also on the warning please pray for this. I feel so relaxed and confident that Jesus has so promised that He would assist us all in this work."


  • "Please pray for my intentions- for all whom I pray for, for the Church in Ireland - for deep healing and for personal struggles."


  • A Dutch sister in Christ asks to pray for the repose of the soul of a young man (B.J.) who passed away suddenly at the age of 31. May Almighty God have mercy on his soul.


  • Please pray for the appeals trial (Oct. 25, 2011) of "Human Life International" in Graz (Austria), who was convicted in first instance as stalker because they offered expecting mothers their help and prayers in front of the abortuary. More at above link. We are called to express our protest against the Austrian Minister's of Justice abortion policies.


  • A sister in Christ asks for prayers for the conversion of her entire family.


  • Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the English website of the "Warning messages" has published our introductory letter. We have already had several foreign registrations! Please pray with us that we receive the resources and language competencies to reach as many brothers and sisters in Christ, and that we can design the site in many different languages.


  • A sister in Christ is prayer for a friend who has been suffering of depression for 22 years. She has begun to open her heart to Jesus, but her environment puts up obstacles and she is being pulled into esoteric circles. This division causes her great pain. May she receive the strength to open herself up completely to Jesus, the only and true Savior, Who shall heal her completely from her depressions.


  • Urgent prayer request for a missionary station in Cairo, Egypt. A member who is in contact with a religious brother there asks us to pray for protection of this missionary station from violent assaults. The station is already watched around the clock.


  • A sister in Christ is asking us to pray for the grace to conquer her weaknesses. She is also asking to pray for her sister, that God may guide her to find the right partner.


  • A sister in Christ is asking us to pray for an Austrian physician who is before the courts in Dubai, that he may be acquitted and that he may return home for good to his ill wife. Let us include her in our prayers also.


  • sister in Christ is asking to pray for her children who are removed from God and for her unbelieving husband who left her: that all may convert, that her husband will receive the grace of understanding and that this painful conflict may finally be ended well. For herself she asks prayers for healing of her wounded and traumatised soul.


  • A sister in Christ asks for prayers for her loved ones: her daughter, son-in-law, grand daughter, her brother with his entire family and her girl friend with her children, that they may convert and accept the gift of faith.


  • A sister in Christ asks for prayers for the conversion of her husband, her daughter, her son-in-law and her three grand children. 


  • A sister in Christ has an urgent prayer request: one of her loved one is gravely ill.


  • A sister in Christ asks for prayers of conversion of her parents, sisters, nieces and nephews and their families, uncles, aunts and their families.
  • A sister in Christ asks:"... please pray with me for the girls in Africa, esp. in Somalia, that the 4000 year old tradition of genital mutilation will cease. Often these cruel rituals are performed on newborns with primitive means and no anesthetics. 6000 a day, this mutilation is performed on innocent children! Let us pray that God will intervene soon.!


  • eine Mitschwester bittet uns dringend um unser Gebet für ihre Ehe, dass sie wieder in Liebe zueinander finden, die Beziehung hält und sie miteinander in einem gemeinsamen Glaubens- und Gebetsleben Erfüllung finden


  • Another sister in Christ is asking our urgent prayers for her marriage, that they will rediscover their love for one another, that the relationship will last and that they will find fulfillment in a shared life of faith and prayer.


  • Let us pray together for the victims of the horrible earthquake in Turkey - more than 1000 - and for their desperate and grieving loved ones.


  • Another sister in Christ asks for prayers for her niece. "I pray for her long and complicated surgery which was moved to today (Oct. 2011), that this surgery will be successful and her health will be completely restored. Also, I pray for the conversion of my husband, brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews.


  • One sister in Christ asks for prayers that her back problems and strong pains may be healed because she has to take care of her son who has been suffering of a brain tumor for years. May God have Mercy primarily on his cross and heal him also.


  • One sister in Christ wants to ask Rome for the longer version of the  Luminous Mysteries by our beloved John Paul II. They are longer than the ones currently prayed and have disappeared completely from the media. She asks us to pray for this intention.


  • Let us include in our prayers all flood victims in Thailand and all other affected nations that suffer from unbelievable pain and destruction.


  • One sister in Christ asks for prayers for her granddaughter that she may be strengthened in her faith and receive better faith formation.


  •  Please pray for a sister in Christ who suffers terrible from dermatitis, that God may give her the grace of healing


  • Let us pray for the more than 1000 victims of the terrible earthquake in Turkey and their grieving families.


  • "Today I bring "OS." to you for prayer, he passed away to be with Jesus and His Blessed Mother this morning. His wife "SA." needs their consolation, and healing, for she also suffers with hepatitis C, but it has never kept her from taking such wonderful care of her loving husband, "OS.". I trust that God will bring "OS." to Him, and that Jesus and His Mother will bring to "SA."  and her family, their sweet consolation and peace."


  • "I just got text from my friend n her disabled daughter Ka. G. had a seizure n was rushed to childrens hospital. Please pray for her recovery. Thank you."


  • "Could you please pray for the conversion of my family as I am the only christian in my family and for myself that I meet a good catholic husband."


  • a member wrote: "Will you PLEASE pray for an older woman with 12 children!! One died by birth! Another is dead (27 years old)!! She has now contact with all of her children. Now she is so alone and depressive!!"


  • "Will You please pray "to protect all the baby's with the Syndrome of Down" for abortion!! And to end all abortions in this world!! I have a little child with Syndrome of Down and I know what a great love they have in their innocent hearts!!"


  • Our patient Arno is aged 10 years. Arno suffers from a neuroblastoma spread to the whole body. We have decided to treat him by nuclear medicine high dose therapy and chemotherapy in addition, followed by stem cell transplantation. This is an attempt to prolong his live.   - Lord Jesus, today we bring to you our child Arno and his progressive tumour disease. Lord, you are aware of all the circumstances, the extent, the hopelessness of this disease situation. Lord, you are aware of the struggle of his parents against the disease and our medical limitations. Lord, we ask you to bless this therapy intervention and to protect Arno during the high dose therapy. Lord, bless the parents, bless them with patience and hope. We are also asking for your presence for the other children with the same kind of tumours in our hospital (Thomas, Amelie), we are praying for since years, today specially, bless them and send your light into all this darkness of the disease. Jesus, in your name we pray. Amen.