Ordering Information


To order copies of the Book of Truth (5 Volumes), Crusade of Prayer Books, Medals of Savation, Seal of the Living God Scapulars, Mother of Salvation Rosaries and many other items, please visit the following websites:



https://www.vita-aeterna.eu/de/ - A new main official European website is now available to sell goods on behalf of this Mission. It will be the largest EU website selling the Book of Truth in most languages as well as sacramentals. 

https://centrebot.com - Croatia

https://echoreb.com - Czech/Slovakia which will sell selected Eastern European languages of the Book of Truth, Crusade of Prayer Books and sacramentals.  

Other local prayer group distributors in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary and Italy will continue as before.  



The new official US/International site is now up and running:


Please let your friends know that this online store is where they can get their own copies of the Book of Truth, Medals of Salvation, Seal of the Living God Scapulars, the Seal Crucifix and much more! 

Canadians may order only the Mother of Salvation image from this USA website, but all other items within Canada should be directly ordered from their 2 authorized in-country distributors for both English and French. A list of available items with prices can be emailed to you.  Please contact your country representative if you have a question.


You may order as usual from our official ordering website: www.bookoftruthphilippines.com